Thursday, February 12, 2009

Superior leaders get things done with very little motion. They impart instruction not through many words, but through a few deeds. They keep informed about everything but interfere hardly at all. They are catalysts, and though things would not get done as well if they were not there, when they succeed they take no credit. And, because they take no credit, credit never leaves them. ~ Lao Tzu

Why is it seems evertime I get on the internet or watch TV news, there is some sorta of bumbling announcement coming from this Obama admnistration? If it isnt someone having not paid their taxes, then its someone else backing out of a Nomination for any number of reasons. Commerce Sec #2 dropped today. I find it amusing that all we could hear (and still hear as excuses for any problem Obama has) is Bush this and Bush that. I am tired of hearing this crap everyday. I will say this again... Bush caused some problems. Bush is to be blamed for several issues. Obama (and those riding his coattails now) seem to want to still turn your gaze to the past. Wasnt this about Hope for the future? A different kind of Washington? Change we can believe in?

Today I see where Obama is contemplating using taxpayer money (isnt it all, but I digress) to directly pay some of, or all of Mortgage payments for people who are either in foreclosure or "nearing" it. Well... somehow I am betting that I wont be seeing a check helping me out of my mortgage anytime soon... and I am perpetually 3 months away from foreclosure all the time. If this happens, he will lose me for good. Especially since a lot of these people were given mortgages without credit checks, proof of employent or even paying 200 dollars down payment , much less 20,000.00 Oh wait, I already know the answer some will give me...Bush was President then. its all his fault.

And what of the transparency. Wasn't this stimulus bill going to be "posted" for the public to see for 48 hours before they would vote. Yet Pelosi and company seem to think that "the American people dont care" and surprise, are not letting hardly ANYBODY see whats in it, even Democrats. I guess I shouldnt care about little porky parts of all of this and should stop listening to the chatty people or something like that...

...why is it that all I see out of all this is manipulations to make more and more people reliant upon them, so they will feel compelled to vote for them in the future? I have a great parable/story that Brown sent to me. Its one thing to want to help others in need. I am willing to do that. I am not willing to simply give to people and do nothing but enable them into a reliance on the government for handouts. And that is where we are going...the governement will pay for my mortgage, electricity, food, car, gas...whatever. I dont want the government giving me anything except the money that I earn. Well...that and maybe the powerball payment, but..again... I digress...

Oh and all this money and "stimulus" gets me $7.70 a week more in my paycheck....

on a different note, did anybody see Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman last night? Wow...


Anonymous said...

Jerome, why are you being so difficult! Bush isn't President anymore so the time for asking challenging questions is over... get with the program, time to be patriotic, time to jump in, time to be part of the program NOW! Why do you have to challenge the tax cheats in light of the ethics reform promise, the appointment of lobbyists after a promise not to do so, the failure to let the common man see the stimulus for 48 hours, and the passing along of the $1,000,000,000,000 heroin-hit bill to Ian and Rylee and their kids... MAN, you are just SUCH a kill-joy ;-)

Please drop your brain at the door and START listening to all of the brilliant celebrities and press pundits who are SOOOOOOO much smarter than us mere mortals! :-) Trust me Jerome, they're all saying the King's clothes are BEAUTIFUL and they can't be wrong, can they?

Anonymous said...

thought you might find this interesting...a drop of criticism in a sea of kool-aid?

erik b.