the past weekend was a tad busy..but was made less frantic when the weather took I-man out of soccer duties....however, he would find solace in a visit to Grandma and the usual jackpot of some sorta Speedracer/Hotwheel/Transformer/whatever action figure... the Frat had their new class join the circle. After what i can only describe as a year of dramatic license within the chapter, they have finally reached the end of the year with SED coming up this
Sunday, March 29, 2009
If its Monday... can't possibly be true, can it?
the past weekend was a tad busy..but was made less frantic when the weather took I-man out of soccer duties....however, he would find solace in a visit to Grandma and the usual jackpot of some sorta Speedracer/Hotwheel/Transformer/whatever action figure... the Frat had their new class join the circle. After what i can only describe as a year of dramatic license within the chapter, they have finally reached the end of the year with SED coming up this
Monday, March 23, 2009
if its Monday, it must mean another stimulus!!!!
Let me see if I understand this correctly.... you mean to tell me Obama is announcing ANOTHER stimulus package for 1 Trillion dollars today? can anyone tell me that this is even remotely sane? wow...I cannot beleive that people are simply going along with all of this like sheep...
Friday, March 20, 2009
for Brown....
hera ya this blue or purple... I am actually things about staging this for a high key photo of sorts... not like
this, but in some similar form.... click on the photo for a larger print... note the aged letters... definitely not something the youngsters would throw on for a early fall tailgate, would they?
"plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."
Last Episode of BSG tonight. ER winding down... wont be long till all that's left is The Office, Law And Order and various sportin events
Thursday, March 19, 2009
As of this moment, I am officially pondering a moratorium on wearing any of my Clemson gear (except for hats) until a time as which I see ANY Clemson Athletic team actually show up for a game that matters... this goes for my cool heavyweight sideline grey football sweat, purple sweat with sewn on letters, grey hoodie with sewn on letters, Athletic Dept t-shirts, various sideline gear T's and and one of 43 band t-shirts i might still have floating around. It also includes the cool Clemson A & M t-shirt I have been holding in reserve... I am swaying heaviliy to the moratorium...maybe even giving some stuff away....
I have been struck by the tragic event locally of a young boy (2 years old) whos mother went inside for a couple of minutes and left him outside in the yard, she came back out and he was gone. After a frantic search, she called the authorities and after about 24 hours of searching, they found the body a mile away in the river. I cant begin to even think what that must feel like for that family. Those of you with children who read this already know just thinking about losing your kids puts a knot in your stomach. And I am confident those of you without kids have no clue. I just hope that no one ever has to go through that and it is my kids that makes me get so angry with the current direction of things with our government. As I have alluded to before, I am not overtly religious... but when i heard that news yesterday I said a brief prayer for that family and for all my friends families.
I have often mentioned that I wonder what will happen when the twins get older and their relationship changes. Obviously, they are "best friends" right now. I think I see a sliver of the future when I see Ryles reading a book to I-Man in the backseat on the way home from dance. Then they get to a point, and Ryles starts reading a line, then I-Man reads another line with her correcting him when necessary. While I-Man isnt dumb and seems to be doing well in schoool, she is obviously ahead of him and it is amusing to see her go out of her way to help him learn, even at this age.
I have often mentioned that I wonder what will happen when the twins get older and their relationship changes. Obviously, they are "best friends" right now. I think I see a sliver of the future when I see Ryles reading a book to I-Man in the backseat on the way home from dance. Then they get to a point, and Ryles starts reading a line, then I-Man reads another line with her correcting him when necessary. While I-Man isnt dumb and seems to be doing well in schoool, she is obviously ahead of him and it is amusing to see her go out of her way to help him learn, even at this age.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Headlines today...
Watchin' the Dog and Pony show today on MSNBC with the hearings with the AIG CEO... My feelings about the bonuses are listed below. I find it amusing that this little Headline below comes out today, conveniently snowed under by the coverage of the crap today...
Fannie Mae plans bonuses of up to $611,000 for 4 executives; Freddie Mac has similar plans
Oh...and the Treasury also slipped in that they are going to be printing a trillion more dollars. Look at the 20 in your wallet. It isnt worth 20 anymore.
Oh...and wait...Chris Dodd is actually kinda sorta almost meekly stating that it is someone elses fault that he maneuvered the clauses in the stimulus/bailout/whatever plans that would allow these very bonuses.
Wonder how much tax money is it going to cost to fly Obama and his hangers on, the Press, Secret Service, etc to LA for this Campaign..oh ... sorry... Presidential trip that just so happens to include a stop over with Jay Leno? Noticed that so far, whenever there has been a bruhaha with hearings, etc, Obama conveniently gets on his plane and is out on the campaign trail...oh sorry ... holding town meetings ... with teleprompters...
Fannie Mae plans bonuses of up to $611,000 for 4 executives; Freddie Mac has similar plans
Oh...and the Treasury also slipped in that they are going to be printing a trillion more dollars. Look at the 20 in your wallet. It isnt worth 20 anymore.
Oh...and wait...Chris Dodd is actually kinda sorta almost meekly stating that it is someone elses fault that he maneuvered the clauses in the stimulus/bailout/whatever plans that would allow these very bonuses.
Wonder how much tax money is it going to cost to fly Obama and his hangers on, the Press, Secret Service, etc to LA for this Campaign..oh ... sorry... Presidential trip that just so happens to include a stop over with Jay Leno? Noticed that so far, whenever there has been a bruhaha with hearings, etc, Obama conveniently gets on his plane and is out on the campaign trail...oh sorry ... holding town meetings ... with teleprompters...
I think the reason I like Battlestar Galactica so much isnt because of the Sci Fi stuff (it isnt that groundbreaking)or the pretty women (lots of) but because of the way music has been woven into the story sometimes suble, sometimes overt. Since most of the people reading this have some sorta tie to band, you understand the profound effect it can have on your life and the direction your life takes. It is an everyday occurence in mine and I listen constantly at work to about 1000 songs over and over and over. BSG also has struck a chord with me because the characters have never been totally typecast into certain "roles" and that all of the characters had flaws. You gotta take the good with the bad, I have heard people say....
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
If its Tuesday, it must mean another Now we see this Administration telling Military Veterans that they will have to get insurance to pay for their medical bills for injuries incurred during service to the USA. I reading this right. You mean to tell me that Obama expects a soldier, if he is wounded in combat, comes back to the States, and has to have further treatment... that he expects them to pony up a deductible and cross their fingers that good ole Blue Cross will foot the bill? Wow..I knew his inner circle was arrogant, but...WOW!!!! If this becomes true, there goes that segment of vote for good. Does Obama think that he can just go running way off into Liberal Kool Aid land wacky left , Commie Land and think he will be able to keep that swing vote that got him elected?
Now I must agree that the indignation over the AIG bonuses is justified for the most part. But what of Chris Dodd? He and Geitner KNEW that this would happen and manouvered so it would remain so. For them to be standing up jumping up and down is hypocritical, isnt it?
And of course the "Politics of Change" sees the DNC attacking South Carolina's Governor for trying to use the bailout money to pay off debt... which is what virtually anybody who gets a windfall of money would do, right. Pay off the bills, then look at what"s left to spend. But...Obama doesnt want the stimuls to go anywhere they don't control. This is starting to seem more and more about...Control. Control this stimulus and bailout crap and be able to control power and...votes. Far be it to let the money go to pay off debt. doing that would mean that Obama and the administration would not it...comes... Control over you.
...and Pelosi is clamoring for the Newspapers to be bailed out. Whatever happened to the market deciding that Newspapers are no longer needed? Oh...I get it...The newspapers would then be beholden to her, wouldnt they?
Now I must agree that the indignation over the AIG bonuses is justified for the most part. But what of Chris Dodd? He and Geitner KNEW that this would happen and manouvered so it would remain so. For them to be standing up jumping up and down is hypocritical, isnt it?
And of course the "Politics of Change" sees the DNC attacking South Carolina's Governor for trying to use the bailout money to pay off debt... which is what virtually anybody who gets a windfall of money would do, right. Pay off the bills, then look at what"s left to spend. But...Obama doesnt want the stimuls to go anywhere they don't control. This is starting to seem more and more about...Control. Control this stimulus and bailout crap and be able to control power and...votes. Far be it to let the money go to pay off debt. doing that would mean that Obama and the administration would not it...comes... Control over you.
...and Pelosi is clamoring for the Newspapers to be bailed out. Whatever happened to the market deciding that Newspapers are no longer needed? Oh...I get it...The newspapers would then be beholden to her, wouldnt they?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
I am starting to beleive that a LOT of people were adversely affected by the time change. This seems to be more than the usual "grab-a-quick-nap-on-Sunday" and it clears it up thing. It seems to have lingered way into the week...very much like jetlag...
Here is what I have to say about Clemson Basketball.... ?....
? ..... ? .. .. ?
? ... ? ?
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Last episodes of Battlestar Galactica starting tonight.... ER last night was somewhat dissapointing, although I did get how it was all tied together....
Here is what I have to say about Clemson Basketball.... ?....
? ..... ? .. .. ?
? ... ? ?
.. ? ? ...
Last episodes of Battlestar Galactica starting tonight.... ER last night was somewhat dissapointing, although I did get how it was all tied together....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
another day...
another day...must mean another stimulus bill. While some of you must find this boring to be kept mentioned, but today ANOTHER 410 Billion in spending was passed with almost 9000 earmarks. Earmarks Obama promised in his campaign to not allow. But now...its a "We'll do that the NEXT TIME".... very much you wanna put down that the next bill he wont cut out anything. Seriously. How much? I dare anyone to take me up on it. And Pelosi is today stating that another Stimulus Bill is being written right now.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
This is more like it...
.. I-Man had his first Soccer Match over the weekend...he was in Goal for about a half, then played some defender and a short time at forward.... On Saturday, we did some cleaning up, then went to a local park
a while before heading over to Brandy and AJ's for dinner
with his parents...
.. I-Man had his first Soccer Match over the weekend...he was in Goal for about a half, then played some defender and a short time at forward.... On Saturday, we did some cleaning up, then went to a local park

Friday, March 06, 2009
Thursday, March 05, 2009
The Emperor has no.... well.. um.. Nevermind...
I want to find it funny, but's not... Another day, another large drop in the Stock Market and another Obama Cabinet nominee deciding to drop out... wait... sorry... make the TWO people dropping out... oh, and more bailout proposals to the tune of 400 Billion. Sitting here reading that and suddenly a thought popped into my mind... Where is all this money going to come from?
..and I said a long time ago that I thought all this fawning over how well Obama "speaks" was smoke and mirrors... a myth perpetuated by the people in media who have too much invested see Obama fail now...the ones talking of a "feeling running up their legs" Hell... I can read a speech and slowly but surely the Obama myth of his oratory skills is starting to fall apart... read this article and know that virtually everytime you have seen or heard him speaking, be it a real speech, or an actual answer in a town hall meeting, has been read... not answered off the top of his head. Admittedly the article comes from The Politico, a right leaning website so those of you drinking the now watered down kool aid can take it for what its worth. But I think it telling that Bush was constantly chided for how he spoke, and Obama is constantly lauded. If everytime i spoke in front of people, i could simply read the same bullet points and sound bites, i guarantee I would be impressive. Guarantee.... click here
..and I said a long time ago that I thought all this fawning over how well Obama "speaks" was smoke and mirrors... a myth perpetuated by the people in media who have too much invested see Obama fail now...the ones talking of a "feeling running up their legs" Hell... I can read a speech and slowly but surely the Obama myth of his oratory skills is starting to fall apart... read this article and know that virtually everytime you have seen or heard him speaking, be it a real speech, or an actual answer in a town hall meeting, has been read... not answered off the top of his head. Admittedly the article comes from The Politico, a right leaning website so those of you drinking the now watered down kool aid can take it for what its worth. But I think it telling that Bush was constantly chided for how he spoke, and Obama is constantly lauded. If everytime i spoke in front of people, i could simply read the same bullet points and sound bites, i guarantee I would be impressive. Guarantee.... click here
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
", a magic far beyond all we do here." - Albus Dumbledore
Watching Battlestar Galactica DVR'd today reminded me of why I like the that Music is a somewhat subtle, yet HUGE part of this story. There are a couple of songs from the first season that I listen to on an almost daily basis... a matter of fact, whenever I take my IPOD into work and simply plug into it all day, it changes my mood for the better, and makes the day go by so much faster. As a matter of fact, I think I will take time tonight to clean up my playlist (i have a lot of duplicates...same songs, different names) and add all the current stuff I have downloaded recently....
Watching Battlestar Galactica DVR'd today reminded me of why I like the that Music is a somewhat subtle, yet HUGE part of this story. There are a couple of songs from the first season that I listen to on an almost daily basis... a matter of fact, whenever I take my IPOD into work and simply plug into it all day, it changes my mood for the better, and makes the day go by so much faster. As a matter of fact, I think I will take time tonight to clean up my playlist (i have a lot of duplicates...same songs, different names) and add all the current stuff I have downloaded recently....
"The friendship that can cease has never been real." - Saint Jerome
I had the opportunity to see my friend Kristen last night. And was reminded as I drove home thru the night that I have few friends. Perhaps because of my post below, or perhaps because I have been extremely cautious as to whom I have become close to over the years... As I have mentioned in posts before, the closest circle of friends for me are in Brooklyn...New Jersey...Raleigh...Atlanta...Charlotte.... Tallahasee.... I am fortunate to have one in Anderson whom I never seem to speak to anymore and one in Greenville who I am blessed to be able to see occasionally. I say these things not to call anyone out or rail on anyone. We all have our families and our own lives and time is precious... I just sometimes feel that the times of seeing people for any appreciable time is over. Its a stop over here... couple of hours there... a tailgate then....a stop by now... it saddens me. I love my family and I definitely love my wife. My son and daughter are the reason I do virtually everything and most of you reading this experience this for yourselves everyday. saddens me... life goes on. You hear news of unexpected sickness with friends and it gives you pause. You say a little prayer even though you are not prone to sayin prayers... you hear of additions to friends families and you smile inwardly, knowing they have been blessed again. But it saddens me... with those blessings go away the weekends at a Nascar race, or a cabin in the Georgia Mountains... it saddens me that to even make plans with family is even difficult.
But... I guess I will continue to see these people. And try to make the most of the time together. i think it is why I have put so much mental energy into planning something like a weekend at the All Star race, or thinking about getting family together for a July 4th weekend. Some think it silly, but I really look forward to the exchanges, and the ability to create memories... its why I can understand why my wife's father purchased a ATV and jetski, and why I extend an offer for people to join me when I go to a race. No.. I never am the life of the party... but I certainly like watching the life of the party. At the end of the day, when the end is near or when whe are standing around drinking some punch at a memorial service in 30 years, i will be glad I took the time to ride down to see Kristen for 3 hours. And I need to figure out how to do the same with some other people too...
So... for those of you who read this ( and you KNOW who you are)... I aint just sending you a text because I'm bored...
I had the opportunity to see my friend Kristen last night. And was reminded as I drove home thru the night that I have few friends. Perhaps because of my post below, or perhaps because I have been extremely cautious as to whom I have become close to over the years... As I have mentioned in posts before, the closest circle of friends for me are in Brooklyn...New Jersey...Raleigh...Atlanta...Charlotte.... Tallahasee.... I am fortunate to have one in Anderson whom I never seem to speak to anymore and one in Greenville who I am blessed to be able to see occasionally. I say these things not to call anyone out or rail on anyone. We all have our families and our own lives and time is precious... I just sometimes feel that the times of seeing people for any appreciable time is over. Its a stop over here... couple of hours there... a tailgate then....a stop by now... it saddens me. I love my family and I definitely love my wife. My son and daughter are the reason I do virtually everything and most of you reading this experience this for yourselves everyday. saddens me... life goes on. You hear news of unexpected sickness with friends and it gives you pause. You say a little prayer even though you are not prone to sayin prayers... you hear of additions to friends families and you smile inwardly, knowing they have been blessed again. But it saddens me... with those blessings go away the weekends at a Nascar race, or a cabin in the Georgia Mountains... it saddens me that to even make plans with family is even difficult.
But... I guess I will continue to see these people. And try to make the most of the time together. i think it is why I have put so much mental energy into planning something like a weekend at the All Star race, or thinking about getting family together for a July 4th weekend. Some think it silly, but I really look forward to the exchanges, and the ability to create memories... its why I can understand why my wife's father purchased a ATV and jetski, and why I extend an offer for people to join me when I go to a race. No.. I never am the life of the party... but I certainly like watching the life of the party. At the end of the day, when the end is near or when whe are standing around drinking some punch at a memorial service in 30 years, i will be glad I took the time to ride down to see Kristen for 3 hours. And I need to figure out how to do the same with some other people too...
So... for those of you who read this ( and you KNOW who you are)... I aint just sending you a text because I'm bored...
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Social Justice and Shared Sacrifice
Social Justice and Shared Sacrifice... is this what everyone wants? Is this what I am supposed to go along with. No longer am I really giving any thought to the numbers anymore. Every other day is more bailout, stimulus and another program that costs money. Mixed in between the handouts of MY money is another cabinet nominee who has somehow forgotton, overlooked or made an "innocent" mistake in paying their taxes. If i hadnt paid 10,000 in taxes, do you think I would be getting to be a cabinet post? Yet somehow, this is OK that Obama ( or his people) trots out person after person who has has some sorta issue. Dont misunderstand me... nobody"s perfect. But how is it that time after time the same sorta issues are propping up with these people?
I am beyond the numbers now. I have seen enough. I can add the math...and no matter how you spin it, those numbers never add up to the utopia. You can want it to add up. You can HOPE that it adds up. You can think it will CHANGE everything. At this rate, it will... and the CHANGE I'm seeing with will adversely affect my children. Obama's children, his grand children and their children are set. My heirs will be paying for his Vision. His wont be. Period. That you cannot throw some number at and say won't be the case.
I dont like what I see. Obama has been reckless in making a dash to get his Vision done before people realize what hit them. And he is right. Pelosi is right. "We Won!!!!" But the agenda is barreling toward socialized banking, health care.. EVERYTHING. Can't let the banks fail...TOO BIG To FAIL!! Can't let the mortgages fail...TOO BIG To FAIL!! Can't let the Car companies fail...TOO BIG To FAIL!! Can't let the Obama fail...TOO BIG To FAIL!! Let me ask this question... Is it no longer a possibility to let anyone or anything fail? History has proven that the way Obama is approaching this DOES NOT WORK. Can anyone show me a historical precedent where it did work? Will it work this time? is the 4th time a charm?
Social Justice and Shared Sacrifice... Is this about evening the playing field? Since when does the American Dream mean that we are ALL owed a house? What about earning the house. Oh, I'm sure Will will pipe up about predatory lending, etc.? Its not all the banks fault. definite fault there. Its not all Wall Streets Fault. Definite fault there. and guess what...its not all Bush's (Republicans, Conservatives, whoever you want to try to place blame on and not critcise Obama ) fault. Definite fault there. But guess what... beside Brown, I havent seen anyone else who shows any sorta testicles to post here to do any thing that criticises Obama or his coat-tail riders. Or the Democrats. Who has been running the Congress for the past 2 years? Oh...wait...wait...wait for it... it's George Bush's fault, right? plenty of blame with the masses too. (yeah...I know John... i can hear you pitching a fit right now... you have mentioned that fact.)
I am beyond the numbers now. I see Obama wanting everyone who "is of means" to feel the pain of those who are not. That is what I see and I dont agree that two wrongs make a right. I do not have a small business like Kristen and John, but I do know that they give as much as ANYBODY, yet it seems Obama feels that taking half of what THEY work hard for and earn everday by themselves isnt enough. We need to take more from them becasue they are bringing in more than 200 grand a year. We need to "spread it around". Why is it that he knows best how to spread it around? virtually everything he has positioned himself to do since coming into office has been to play Robin Hood. If I make money legitimately, why do I HAVE to give it to someone else. That is at the crux of what I see with Obama.... And I have yet to see him say..."OK. this should be enough". Every Bailout, Stimulus and handout is followed with "we may need even more".... I'll throw this question out there since I dont think I have asked it before.... where is all this money supposed to come from?
Social Justice and Shared Sacrifice... Since when are we supposed to be handing over our financial system and those major decisions to people in other countries? this global thing is going too far. Wasn’t America founded by people wanting to get away from Obama, er…, King’s rule? I think it is somewhat interesting that over 2000 people met in Greenville on Friday on the Reedy River in the cold for a "tea party" to protest Obama and this wild orgy of spending. Bet you didn't hear about that did you? And there are plans for a bigger rally once the temps rise...
"WHAT DID YOU THINK A STIMULUS BILL IS?".... Fits and starts for wall street are not important? Day to day gyration not worthy of attention? Well, Obama may not pay attention, but everyone else does. Does he think that his solution is the only solution? There for the fact that he tells people to buy stocks sends people into another panic? There is a reason that whenever he speaks, the market taildives...
...and Health Care community centers…who will be using these? Let me guess...people who havent paid for them with their taxes and illegals...sigh...
despite Obama's claim ( and even louder shouts by others) that he has some huge mandate(67 million voted for him), over 58.5 million people did NOT vote for him. A lot of people seem to be forgetting that. And a lot of people seem to be forgetting that it will come time to vote again soon. Obviously Obama knows this as he seems to spend most of his time giving that same campaign speech from his teleprompter over and over. However, I can't say that he isnt making an effort. And for that, you have to applaud the man. He said he was going to go to Washington and make changes. And he hit the ground running... so at least he has attempted to do what I wanted to see...leadership
but... I dont want Socialism. I want everyone to stand on their OWN merits. I dont want a handout. And I dont want MORE of my money being taken out of my paycheck to go to all this crap... Bumblebees and Swine odor?
And Erik, people have told me to "move on". You haven't. And you won't because you believe that everyone should have the same voice you have. You and I are two sides of the same coin... mother a school teacher, father hard workin middle class... workin for that house and the BMW.... Our life experiences are a a little different since Clemson but I cant wait for you to look into the eyes of your son and/or daughter, then look up and suddenly see the world completely different... not sayin you'll be calling up Michael Steele for tips or anything..but... just sayin...And while I wont pull a Limbaugh and say that I hope Obama fails...I am very worried that his Vision is not one I currently teach my children, or one that will help them in the future. Plain and Simple.
I still kinda am tryin to figure out where all this money is coming from? I think I am starting to figure it out but was hoping someone else might actually own up to where it is coming from. Oh well...tomorrow is another day...around noon we should see either some new "package" for some random Billion dollar number or...some report of a caninet nominee that somehow forgot to pay 30,000 in taxes...
Finally, I rant about this because I dont want to live in Europe. These policies havent made people want to get in boats, fly in airplane tirewells or make boats out of plywood to get to France, have they?
I am beyond the numbers now. I have seen enough. I can add the math...and no matter how you spin it, those numbers never add up to the utopia. You can want it to add up. You can HOPE that it adds up. You can think it will CHANGE everything. At this rate, it will... and the CHANGE I'm seeing with will adversely affect my children. Obama's children, his grand children and their children are set. My heirs will be paying for his Vision. His wont be. Period. That you cannot throw some number at and say won't be the case.
I dont like what I see. Obama has been reckless in making a dash to get his Vision done before people realize what hit them. And he is right. Pelosi is right. "We Won!!!!" But the agenda is barreling toward socialized banking, health care.. EVERYTHING. Can't let the banks fail...TOO BIG To FAIL!! Can't let the mortgages fail...TOO BIG To FAIL!! Can't let the Car companies fail...TOO BIG To FAIL!! Can't let the Obama fail...TOO BIG To FAIL!! Let me ask this question... Is it no longer a possibility to let anyone or anything fail? History has proven that the way Obama is approaching this DOES NOT WORK. Can anyone show me a historical precedent where it did work? Will it work this time? is the 4th time a charm?
Social Justice and Shared Sacrifice... Is this about evening the playing field? Since when does the American Dream mean that we are ALL owed a house? What about earning the house. Oh, I'm sure Will will pipe up about predatory lending, etc.? Its not all the banks fault. definite fault there. Its not all Wall Streets Fault. Definite fault there. and guess what...its not all Bush's (Republicans, Conservatives, whoever you want to try to place blame on and not critcise Obama ) fault. Definite fault there. But guess what... beside Brown, I havent seen anyone else who shows any sorta testicles to post here to do any thing that criticises Obama or his coat-tail riders. Or the Democrats. Who has been running the Congress for the past 2 years? Oh...wait...wait...wait for it... it's George Bush's fault, right? plenty of blame with the masses too. (yeah...I know John... i can hear you pitching a fit right now... you have mentioned that fact.)
I am beyond the numbers now. I see Obama wanting everyone who "is of means" to feel the pain of those who are not. That is what I see and I dont agree that two wrongs make a right. I do not have a small business like Kristen and John, but I do know that they give as much as ANYBODY, yet it seems Obama feels that taking half of what THEY work hard for and earn everday by themselves isnt enough. We need to take more from them becasue they are bringing in more than 200 grand a year. We need to "spread it around". Why is it that he knows best how to spread it around? virtually everything he has positioned himself to do since coming into office has been to play Robin Hood. If I make money legitimately, why do I HAVE to give it to someone else. That is at the crux of what I see with Obama.... And I have yet to see him say..."OK. this should be enough". Every Bailout, Stimulus and handout is followed with "we may need even more".... I'll throw this question out there since I dont think I have asked it before.... where is all this money supposed to come from?
Social Justice and Shared Sacrifice... Since when are we supposed to be handing over our financial system and those major decisions to people in other countries? this global thing is going too far. Wasn’t America founded by people wanting to get away from Obama, er…, King’s rule? I think it is somewhat interesting that over 2000 people met in Greenville on Friday on the Reedy River in the cold for a "tea party" to protest Obama and this wild orgy of spending. Bet you didn't hear about that did you? And there are plans for a bigger rally once the temps rise...
"WHAT DID YOU THINK A STIMULUS BILL IS?".... Fits and starts for wall street are not important? Day to day gyration not worthy of attention? Well, Obama may not pay attention, but everyone else does. Does he think that his solution is the only solution? There for the fact that he tells people to buy stocks sends people into another panic? There is a reason that whenever he speaks, the market taildives...
...and Health Care community centers…who will be using these? Let me guess...people who havent paid for them with their taxes and illegals...sigh...
despite Obama's claim ( and even louder shouts by others) that he has some huge mandate(67 million voted for him), over 58.5 million people did NOT vote for him. A lot of people seem to be forgetting that. And a lot of people seem to be forgetting that it will come time to vote again soon. Obviously Obama knows this as he seems to spend most of his time giving that same campaign speech from his teleprompter over and over. However, I can't say that he isnt making an effort. And for that, you have to applaud the man. He said he was going to go to Washington and make changes. And he hit the ground running... so at least he has attempted to do what I wanted to see...leadership
but... I dont want Socialism. I want everyone to stand on their OWN merits. I dont want a handout. And I dont want MORE of my money being taken out of my paycheck to go to all this crap... Bumblebees and Swine odor?
And Erik, people have told me to "move on". You haven't. And you won't because you believe that everyone should have the same voice you have. You and I are two sides of the same coin... mother a school teacher, father hard workin middle class... workin for that house and the BMW.... Our life experiences are a a little different since Clemson but I cant wait for you to look into the eyes of your son and/or daughter, then look up and suddenly see the world completely different... not sayin you'll be calling up Michael Steele for tips or anything..but... just sayin...And while I wont pull a Limbaugh and say that I hope Obama fails...I am very worried that his Vision is not one I currently teach my children, or one that will help them in the future. Plain and Simple.
I still kinda am tryin to figure out where all this money is coming from? I think I am starting to figure it out but was hoping someone else might actually own up to where it is coming from. Oh well...tomorrow is another day...around noon we should see either some new "package" for some random Billion dollar number or...some report of a caninet nominee that somehow forgot to pay 30,000 in taxes...
Finally, I rant about this because I dont want to live in Europe. These policies havent made people want to get in boats, fly in airplane tirewells or make boats out of plywood to get to France, have they?
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