Wednesday, March 11, 2009

another day...

another day...must mean another stimulus bill. While some of you must find this boring to be kept mentioned, but today ANOTHER 410 Billion in spending was passed with almost 9000 earmarks. Earmarks Obama promised in his campaign to not allow. But now...its a "We'll do that the NEXT TIME".... very much you wanna put down that the next bill he wont cut out anything. Seriously. How much? I dare anyone to take me up on it. And Pelosi is today stating that another Stimulus Bill is being written right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jerome, oh I won't be surprised if they do make an attempt not to have such gross earmarks next go round.. they'll do like the did with the near trillion dollar stimulus and parse words over what the definition of "is" is as relates to an earmark... but everyone is overlooking the key point in why Obama's willing to take the heat this go round, and it makes me damn mad. It's payback time for all the political supporters/political machine who helped guarantee his victory. So I don't give a rat's arse if he's clean the next go round... he'll still be crooked for life in my eyes for having played the same ol' game of politics, and yes for anyone reading I'm an equal opportunity politician hater so I'm equally, no, MORE sickened by the 40% earmarking done by some pseudo republicans (sure aren't REAL financial conservatives)... pray the whole crooked bunch gets kicked out of office next go round.

I'll now end my rant and wait for Erik to tell us how important it is for us to share our hard earned tax dollars to cut tattoos off drug lord gangsters so they can lead a better life free from accountability/consequences ;-)

And still waiting to see if you've got ONE single friend who voted for Obama who has the guts to say they now believe they made a mistake. Yeah there's me, Erik, and one or two others debating... but what about the 70% upset with the democrat controlled congress and equal percentage giving Obama a "F" over on MSNBC's poll for pete sake... sigh indeed, my ol' friend.