Wednesday, March 04, 2009

"The friendship that can cease has never been real." - Saint Jerome

I had the opportunity to see my friend Kristen last night. And was reminded as I drove home thru the night that I have few friends. Perhaps because of my post below, or perhaps because I have been extremely cautious as to whom I have become close to over the years... As I have mentioned in posts before, the closest circle of friends for me are in Brooklyn...New Jersey...Raleigh...Atlanta...Charlotte.... Tallahasee.... I am fortunate to have one in Anderson whom I never seem to speak to anymore and one in Greenville who I am blessed to be able to see occasionally. I say these things not to call anyone out or rail on anyone. We all have our families and our own lives and time is precious... I just sometimes feel that the times of seeing people for any appreciable time is over. Its a stop over here... couple of hours there... a tailgate then....a stop by now... it saddens me. I love my family and I definitely love my wife. My son and daughter are the reason I do virtually everything and most of you reading this experience this for yourselves everyday. saddens me... life goes on. You hear news of unexpected sickness with friends and it gives you pause. You say a little prayer even though you are not prone to sayin prayers... you hear of additions to friends families and you smile inwardly, knowing they have been blessed again. But it saddens me... with those blessings go away the weekends at a Nascar race, or a cabin in the Georgia Mountains... it saddens me that to even make plans with family is even difficult.

But... I guess I will continue to see these people. And try to make the most of the time together. i think it is why I have put so much mental energy into planning something like a weekend at the All Star race, or thinking about getting family together for a July 4th weekend. Some think it silly, but I really look forward to the exchanges, and the ability to create memories... its why I can understand why my wife's father purchased a ATV and jetski, and why I extend an offer for people to join me when I go to a race. No.. I never am the life of the party... but I certainly like watching the life of the party. At the end of the day, when the end is near or when whe are standing around drinking some punch at a memorial service in 30 years, i will be glad I took the time to ride down to see Kristen for 3 hours. And I need to figure out how to do the same with some other people too...

So... for those of you who read this ( and you KNOW who you are)... I aint just sending you a text because I'm bored...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jerome,
I am not sure that you know me, I am Brandy's cousin Amy. I have been reading your post for several months now. I have never left a note, but after reading this blog today I felt I needed to. This has really hit home for me as I am sure it has for many. Awesome post.
BTW, I now have my husband hooked on reading your blog too. Every post about Obama, Stimulas Packages etc.... I send to him b/c you and him share the same thoughts and I refuse to talk to him about it. Not b/c I disagree with him (I totally agree) but I just do not know enough to have an educated conversation with him. So, you are not the Lone Ranger out there in your thoughts and wondering about where all this money is or will come from.
Take care and we love reading your blog.