Thursday, March 19, 2009

I have been struck by the tragic event locally of a young boy (2 years old) whos mother went inside for a couple of minutes and left him outside in the yard, she came back out and he was gone. After a frantic search, she called the authorities and after about 24 hours of searching, they found the body a mile away in the river. I cant begin to even think what that must feel like for that family. Those of you with children who read this already know just thinking about losing your kids puts a knot in your stomach. And I am confident those of you without kids have no clue. I just hope that no one ever has to go through that and it is my kids that makes me get so angry with the current direction of things with our government. As I have alluded to before, I am not overtly religious... but when i heard that news yesterday I said a brief prayer for that family and for all my friends families.

I have often mentioned that I wonder what will happen when the twins get older and their relationship changes. Obviously, they are "best friends" right now. I think I see a sliver of the future when I see Ryles reading a book to I-Man in the backseat on the way home from dance. Then they get to a point, and Ryles starts reading a line, then I-Man reads another line with her correcting him when necessary. While I-Man isnt dumb and seems to be doing well in schoool, she is obviously ahead of him and it is amusing to see her go out of her way to help him learn, even at this age.

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