Sunday, July 05, 2009

Don't tread on me

I wore this T-shirt on Independence Day. I got asked a couple of times what it stood for. I was kinda surprised but realized that this was covered a long time ago for most people in school... Wikipedia has a good explanation, including a blurb on what people who wear this shirt or fly the flag are considered at times. Amusing.

At any rate, a fun time at the lake house with family, and even saw some ole Frat (Kristen Antley and Leslie Watkins, as well as Kenneth Russell) ...did a great cookout.. took the jetskis out several times and I even fooled around with making a short clip while on one that I put on facebook. Kinda silly. Also went out on the pontoon a couple of times, the last up the lake a bit to see the big fireworks show. That, and the hundreds of other people doing fireworks makes for an interesting show while out on the lake. And as I said last year, some of the people have drop BIG MONEY on their fireworks... I will try to post some pix tomorrow during lunch...

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