Wednesday, September 09, 2009

a few points to ponder

... I had the opportunity to listen to nothing but Liberal talk radio (what little actually exists) on the way and from the lake for Labor day. It is interesting to hear the people who fell for the mantra and drank the kool-aid now call in and say that they made a mistake. And the fact that ALL of the press ignores the major failings of Obama (except Foxnews) and NEVER reports anything that might be construed as negative toward Obama ( such as the overwhelming poll data that shows that the US public is deadset against the Healthcare proposals) is going to bite Obama and the Liberal cause in the rear...

Go here to and read this and think about it for a moment....

We keep printing money out the wazoo? that dollar you got in your pocket is going down in value by the second. Even China is starting to worry... and now Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling? I could go on and on but this is way beyond ridiculous. And if Obama comes out in support of a public option (despite showing his "strength" constantly waffling depending on who is listening/watching) in his speech tonight, I have a sense he will doom himself to a one term Presidency that will see virtually anything he might be able to get done overturned within hours of his leaving the White House. Ever legit poll shows the public is against all this spending and proposals he is trying to ram down our throats and if he ignores the will of the people, it will lead to him and the liberals in Congress getting ALL swept out in 2010.

What amazes me that if this guy is SO intelligent and for the People, why is he so presumptuous to IGNORE the the people and figure he knows best whats good for us?

And he absolute silence in regards to Van Jones tells us that he agrees with Van Jones statements and thinking. Is THIS what we want in the White House? I consistently try to listen to and read the Liberal/Progressive side of things. It seems to me that the reasonable people on that side are grounded in reality. What scares me is that Pelosi/Obama/Reid seem hellbent on ignoring the will of the people to pursue an agenda that is WAAAYYYYY left of what the public wants, and that the public stated emphatically to its representatives during the past 2 months.

Finally, it seems that Obama has done virtually nothing to UNITE the public by NEVER responding to the accusations that any opposition to Obama must be racist based...

.. I had a friend suggest to me today that Perhaps Obama WANTS the public to Storm Washington so he can declare Martial Law. As preposterous this sounds, if you think about it... is he doing anything to prevent it?

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