Sunday, September 06, 2009

How 'Bout them Apples?.?.?

Yesterday we went to the little apple orchard that could up in North Carolina... surprisingly enough VERY close to...wait...Wait... WAIT for it... WAIT FOR IT!!!!... some little town called strangely enough Saluda, North Carolina. Imagine that.. so went drove up and the place was packed... I_Man and Ryles had visited in the past and had been looking forward to going up again. The drive, while scenic, was the usual when the twins get with their cousin despite the fact that she is only two... lots of laughter, giggling and general NOISE... but we got there in one piece. So.. we go in and get a basket or two, and I partake of the Apple Cider Doughnut which was actually pretty tasty. I was actually kinda hungry and had figure that this place would at LEAST have a hotdog stand no... Apples, Apple pies, Apple fritters, Apple juice, Apple Cider...Apple Butter...even, go figure.. APPLE DOUGHUTS...but... no hotdogs. So... a little disappointed and a tad hungry, we set off in search of apples. There were PLENTY of apples... Oh and did i mention that you could get Applesauce here too? Well, before we could really start, we went on a hayride.. with no hay, but who's counting here. Cousin Madison was along with us for the day and she ate SIX!!! apples while we were there roaming around. I-Man enjoyed the Apple Cider and thank goodness he hasnt learned the tastyness of good ole Jack Daniels with that cider he has... figure he has about 25 years before he will have access to that type of beverage.. heh, heh... but any way, we went roamimg around for a short bit as Ryles and I-Man quickly learned that one apple is light. Thirty apples are NOT light. So we chased a rabbit, took a leak then meandered back up to the car, where the kids had a Caramel Apple (No way...Caramel APPLES...HERE?)... and I-Man seemed to think that he had to climb trees to get to the apples hanging below him. A Gameday trip to KFC where Cousin Madison ate 2 helpings of Mac/Cheese, fried okra, a drum stick, chocolate pudding, several swigs of diet coke and some other stuff I cant remember from my buffet. Of course, I ate 7 pieces of chicken making sure I got my 7 dollars worth... so I got my Gameday chicken on at least, although I am not that big on tailgating and whatever anyway.. tomorrow will see us at the lake with Family...


Zoo Keeper said...

Even here in Central New York - apple kingdon - we have hotdogs and such at the apple places.

Have you had an apple dumpling? They're the best!!! I highly recommend them!

Zoo Keeper said...

sorry - meant "kingdom"...