Saturday, April 17, 2010

And down the stretch we go...

Ok... so I learned that the Twins have Report cards... then they have progress reports during each Reporting period. I was beginning to wonder about the seemingly endless cards the kids were getting. Ok... Got it. So I am now on the same page in regards to the kids academics... Thru 3 Quarters, Ryles had 2 B's during the Second Quarter and All A's during 1st and 3rd. I-Man checks in at.... drum roll... ALL A's thru the first 3 Quarters. Which amuses me because Ryles is supposedly the better student. And perfect attendence all year for both of them. I Know its only second grade, but it seems to be going far better than what some people tried to predict back 12 years ago.... And suddenly, after hearing an exhibition of instruments, Ryles is talking about taking lessons on Oboe while I-Man is talking Tuba. Yeah... I keep hearing that I shouldn't be dictating what they play, but they really are picking these own their own, I think...

Today see's us doing a family gathering on Jessica's side of the family, then a visit with Grandma while I go attend a Frat Gathering....

Got a chance to eat lunch with a old friend from High School yesterday. It was great to touch base and see just how far we have both come... growing up in the country and now having two blessed families with promising futures. (knock on wood). He is now a managing partner at a law firm in town and we are both a far cry from riding around in that old yellow Pinto station wagon that vibrated like hell if you went over 50 miles per hour. Or me in my Chevy Nova with the iffy steering. He was my closest friend during my high school years and while we did go our separate ways, I think we will be seeing more of each other and our respective families here in the future. He said he found me doing a search on the Internet for a case... I forgot to followup on exactly what from this blog popped up that made him find me. I will have to know that. We both have separately pondered if the blessings we have in being able to provide for our children what we didnt have growing up is actually totally good or not... (what a sentence)

1 comment:

Billy said...

Man, the Nova and the Pinto bring back a lot of great memories.