Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Now THIS is more like it...

SO... I-Man kept asking me to go next door and ask the neighbors if he could cut their grass.. since they stole our hand mower the other week in the middle of the night and cut part of their yard, them mysteriously put the mower back, I am not inclined to help them out in the least... but ... anyways... I digress... I said no and he proceeds to tell me he was going to do it for them for 5 dollars. I'm like "dude.. I will gladly give you 5 dollars if you cut the yard... So i gladly watched him tool back and forth for 20 minutes while I sat on our front step, sipped a diet coke and pondered a page turned and perhaps milestone reached... of course, later Ryles learns that I-Man is getting a huge 5 spot and she is asking me what she can do... I mention cleaning her room, and i get silence and a very blank stare....

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