So thanks to Harwood for letting me use his lift again to facilitate an oil change on my Jetta yesterday. Also got my coolant level back up, and saw that my right rear tire was about to shred apart. This led to a last minute trip to walmart to get two new rear tires... happened to run into the frat president and a couple of other brothers. always interesting to hear of their exploits... eventually retrieved my car after observing the full scale panic that is on due to the Snow Storm of the Century that is about to happen here. wait.. didn't that happen a couple weeks ago?
We then had Cubed steak, rice and gravy and biscuits for dinner.... about as complete a dinner as you can get. we then went out with Ryles telescope and looked at stars... actually saw jupiter with uranus in front of it as it was VERY bright in the western sky right now. the telescope Santa brought her for Christmas is more powerful than i imagined it would be... i am looking forward to taking it with us on our upcoming trip...
Today has seen us take down the Christmas tree, and all other decorations. Always kinda sad when that happens as it means a special time is pretty much past and back to the day to day drudgery is upon us... I am now grilling hamburgers for lunch and am pondering if this snow will really be as bad as they say. I am pretty much OVER this snow stuff... it was nice when I was twelve... now all it means is inconvenience, and potential power outages ( and inherent cold )... my workplace doesnt stop for snow. they WILL be open, no matter what and if you dont show up, you get to use up a vacation or personal day, or simply not get paid for the day... oh well..
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