.. had to run off not one, not two but THREE racoons off the back deck the other night. They were on top of the table eating Mocha's food and had made quite a commotion getting up and knocking off bowls, cups.. whatever they could knock off... I opened the back door and two of them took off in a flash but the third just stood there continuing to eat.. i threw a stick at it and it them bolted off... there was no Mocha the BattleCat in sight, which is probably wise on his part as unless the cat is on the size/strength/gene makeup of SIMBA, three racoons on one BattleCat, no matter how experienced and no matter how many vanquished squirrels and birds he can lay attest too, is a match a BattleCat wants to take on... he did come gingerly walking down the driveway after I had shooed them off however, almost in a "wha???... did I miss something?... something going on here?..." kinda sauntering/meowing dealio...
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