Monday, November 14, 2011

As this first season of "Academy" level soccer has wound down, we have seen definite improvement in conditioning and aggressiveness from I-Man in this soccer gig.I am now looking forward to seeing a bit more from him and other team members in regards to on the ball skills. They all were improving at the end of the season and you could see a definite momentum shift away from I-Man and the goalie on their heels constantly defending in front of the goal to a more "attacking" attitude from the midfielders and forwards. So February will bring the start to the second half of season... and some cold weather for a while for practices. I am not sure how I-Man will like practicing outside when it is 32 degrees... and I KNOW he doesn't realize that's coming. But time to man up, so to speak. Meanwhile... Baritone (and inherently, Tuba) still looms in the distance...

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