Starting to hear from Alumni who are saying they are coming to the Anniversary Formal. A AIM conversation with clemons last night has me knowing of around 15 probables from people he knows are coming and i know are probable. So that probably puts the actual total of Alumni at around25 to 30 people who will show....i think that is a good number. Now, I need to get on the phone today and see about some friends of mine. yes, that means YOU Kim...and Lisa/TJ too.
Last night, the jockeying for positions within the chapter started. Always an interesting part of the year, because i often see people leave friends swinging in the wind when it comes time for elections... Once again, looking for leaders who will LEAD, not simply try to please everyone to remain popular.
Had to stay up till 3AM worrying about the rain. It got a tad high, but didnt even come close to flooding. But still was kinda keeping one eye open
One thing about looking for a job is the thing in my mind that I have to do something that makes other people happy. Its a constant little fight in my mind between that and doing something I want to do, and I am interested in, plus the financial part... still gotta make enough to cover monthly that IS a factor i cant avoid. But i mentioned to my mother that i might look to Atlanta, and she immediately whined about that being too far for her to drive to see the twins. That annoyed me, even though I fully understand her feelings. but what if the ideal thing is for us to bolt the upstate for Charlotte or Atlanta? Am I to not go just so she can have convenience 6 to 10 times a year? Well, i will continue pursuing the Upstate leads i have as of now...But I think i will pursue all options. As i told Jessica, ALL options are on the table.
Heels to the Final 4...bout damn time my team actually do something in Sports. of course, crash and burn looms... refer to Atlanta Braves, Carolina Panthers, Atlanta Falcons, Clemson Tigers...any NBA team i jump on the bandwagon with... Laurens raiders...the list goes on.
hey jerome! tj & i are coming to the formal, breakfast, o&a game & hopefully your party (if we can get out of atlanta at a decent hour on friday). as far as kim is concerned, i know she's not coming b/c her mother will be in town.
on a different note, you should definitely move to atlanta - the opps are endless :) we love it so far...
also, please email me so i have your home email acct (i only have furman). plus, i want to know all the details as to why you're job hunting :)
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