Monday, January 30, 2006

random musings

For ELB: According to reports from January 2006, New York City's bed bug population is reaching epidemic proportions.

And what the Frack has gotten into Kobe? Good grief...and yes, Erik..I know he did. But I'm still with the Diesel.

Sooo...Hamas is now in charge in Palestine. What next? pita bread will be elected president?

Seems like i fried our cable box today by plugging in a space heater to it. i forgot the extension cable I had running in the den was actually plugged into the outlet on the cable box. plug in a laptop? works...plug in a small space Well, at least we can finally get a better cable box.

By the way, for some odd reason, the furnace just up and stopped working. Not sure whatthe problem is. Neither Hot or cold comes on. The wall thingy acts like its on. but... it not kicking on. So thats why i have broke out the small ceramic space heaters for the moment. they actually are getting the job done. Oh, and we also fired up the gas fireplace.

You da man, Tiger!!!! Funny how i will not even give a golf tournament the time of day...unless Tiger is in the hunt. And then i'll watch. I will check to see if he is near the top or at the top of the leaderboard. If so, golf is good. If not, golf sucks.

baseball seas0n is looming.....and Nascar is too. Starting to get back into my daily reading cycle for baseball and Nascar. And listening to MLB and Nascar channels in the morning on XM

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