Monday, May 01, 2006

i found this amusing...

All joking aside, i am really all for immigration, and everyone having a right to come here and make a life...provided they play fair and by the rules... I found this little tidbit today.... perhaps a notch harsh, but on point on a couple of things....


"Today is our day without immigrants. I haven't seen a difference left and D.C. is full of immigrants. I am in favor of legal immigration, that is what America is about. However, I hope the illegals who take off work get fired. And what's up with illegals taking a day off from school? Their parents aren't paying taxes, so what are they doing in our schools anyway? Who loses if they don't come to school? More attention for the American students who stay, so I hope they take tomorrow off too. I know this is mean, but I'm sick of the PC Police telling us that we can't hurt people's feelings by saying what we feel. Do you think these illegals give a damn about our feelings? Have you seen some of their signs? Have you heard some of the chants the TV news stations won't play? 'We demand your rights! We demand your jobs! We demand your future!' 'If you don't give us America then you are racist pigs!' They are DEMANDING our resources and REFUSING the responsibility that comes along with them. See how easy it is to try and make these people citizens. They don't want to be responsible for paying taxes for the services they use in great quantities....Things are going to escalate and they will become more violent. I've already seen on the news and internet that Minutemen have been attacked with counter-protesting. This has garnered an incredible amount of sympathy for this group and their numbers are swelling. They even got the brothers involved. As the violence increases, at least they won't be able to claim this is a civil rights movement. They'll be on their own where those in the wrong deserve to be. The more violent they get, the more people will really see the threat and decide that having cheap labor when you need help moving furniture isn't worth it. They will press their local and state government to do what Georgia is doing and we'll finally get some law and order on this issue."

Some folks are calling this National Black Get A Job Day. While illegal immigrants are boldly declaring their criminal status on America's streets, let this be an opportunity for black citizens to reclaim jobs stolen from citizens and legal residents. After all, the free labor of our ancestors - ahem, slavery - and their rich history of promotion of democracy and civil rights played a key role in building America, and I'll be damned if illegal immigrants are gonna run us out of our communities and off the continent when they should concentrate on reforming Mexico's corrupt government and ineffective policies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... sounds to me like someone was missing their housekeeper that day...or jealous cause their neighbor has one & they haven't gotten their latina hoover/swiffer sweeper yet...oops was that too "pc police" for her? ok let's try couldn't possibly have "national black get a job day" or whatever the hell it is because you'd never find enough of our folk to fill the jobs these people took the day off from to go to the rally!! if this woman's going to mention history she needs to go back to the archives and read some of the articles and editorials written back when our forebears were marching in the streets for nothing more than to be treated with respect and dignity. back when we were considered simply the moving part of a dishrag, food cart, or field plow. when we were marching in the streets in alabama there were calls for "restoring law and order" then too. it makes my blood boil to hear 2-3 salient points (at best) drown in the rest of her vitriol-laced, misplaced, hurtful, short-sighted invective. did she just gloss over the not-so-hidden parallels to our people, or did she just leave them out because she felt her argument was weak? frankly, i don't know which is worse, or makes me dare she say "they" need to "concentrate on reforming Mexico's corrupt government and ineffectitive policies"!!! not to mention the fact that she used "they"..."they"?!?!?! is she kidding me?!?!?!? was it 300 yrs 3 decades or 3 minutes ago when someone referred to any group including you, me, angela winters, and ian as "they" ?!?!?!?! does she know that someone's calling her "they" right now (probably twice cause she's a woman too)?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!is she nuts!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!! does she actually think corruption and ineffective policies are the patented product of mexico!!! does this angela winters read the gd newpaper or legislation, watch elections, follow corporate/govt indictments, know of jack abramoff or wiretapping scandals, witness screwing our global partners over "free trade" tariffs, watch us turning our backs on darfur, while supporting regime change in iraq...?!?!??! does she even watch the gd tv outside of 'survivor' & 'deal or no deal'? cause that's only what went on this month. i'm going to stop writing now because i'm shaking so much...thanks for posting this for me to read today...i was questioning whether i'd lost my pit o' rage. later