Monday, April 30, 2007

Takes me back...

Went to Dr and gave blood for my Dr visit next week. Then sweeped by my mothers house just to get my tag stuff. Then found out it was actually in my house, but i digress... I am always amazed at how quiet it is at home (home being the house where I grew up) Sitting here at my computer, I can hear the bustle of "the city"...snicker... ok but still, I can hear cars , sirens, etc. At home, all I hear is birds and bees... a dog way off in the distance...some crows cawing... and i can hear a car miles away approaching. I remember it was a mini event when a car went by back in the day. I stood outside today and remembered what it was like when there was no cable...and internet. And it just brings back memories of times when I would ride my bicycle around the yard in circles for hours, or play with toy soldiers in the yard for hours, bat rocks across the road into the fields for hours.... I wonder if my kids are missing something. I have so much more than i did when i was their age, but I guess the question will always be if we are missing something by having something. An eternal question, i guess...

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