Thursday, April 05, 2007

what happened to the holidays?

I remember growing up that when these special days like Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas came around, there was a kinda buildup to the day. No, not the endless pounding of commercials hawking sales, Zales and Hallmarks shops. for Easter, there was always the TV movies about the Cruxifition and the events leading up to it, etc. Now i guess a lot depends upon if you subscribe to the biblical stories or not, but I look forward to introducing that stuff to our kids because the entire concept of religion, etc. is rooted in good morale foundation that I think is important to our kids...

... I also wonder where my son suddenly learned how to catch a ball. Yesterday, he starts thowing a small football to me and wanting me to throw it back to him. I'm like sure, thinking that this will be pointless. I throw it to him and he catches it. not against his chest, but with his 2 hands. I'm like...uh...hmmm.... he couldnt do that last week. And now he can. Interesting. Unfortunately, he is throwing with his right hand. Which throws out that dream of him being a left handed relief pitcher and paying for my retirement.

...i think i am going to have to send Brown some cash and have him pick me up some Starbury stuff in NYC. 15.00 for sneakers? wow...

the next 3 weekends will be eventful... Frat formal in Charleston, Frat Convention in the ATL then Ryles recital in Clemson... then a weekend off, followed by Darlington race, All Star race in Charlotte and whew...take a breath....

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