I got a few things...a new video Nano ipod...A cool camera/laptop combo bag...tickets to darlington race...a slick tripod that allows me to place my camera virtually anywhere I can reach...digital binoculars...some other stuff. I am fortunate and for that I am very thankful...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas comes and goes....
Christmas was a good time. Bolted town on Xmas eve and went to see Grandma and Uncle Jerry...xchanged gifts, ate some meatballs, crackers and etc. , then moved on to see Nanna and Papa... exchanged gifts with Aunt Ashley, Uncle Wes, cousin Madison, Aunt Ellen and got ready for Santa. Santa arrived and brought the twins a couple of remote control vehicles, a barbie Guitar, Howheels stuff, Transformers...of course and...a computer. So they did pretty well, i figure.. we then went did a little mud-dawgin in the new 4 wheeler thingy. i also go to see the new jetski..now that should be interesting...

I got a few things...a new video Nano ipod...A cool camera/laptop combo bag...tickets to darlington race...a slick tripod that allows me to place my camera virtually anywhere I can reach...digital binoculars...some other stuff. I am fortunate and for that I am very thankful...
I got a few things...a new video Nano ipod...A cool camera/laptop combo bag...tickets to darlington race...a slick tripod that allows me to place my camera virtually anywhere I can reach...digital binoculars...some other stuff. I am fortunate and for that I am very thankful...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
time marches on...
9 years ago we were getting ready for a wedding...today we are getting twins dressed in pajamas for a slumber party at school, warming up the car, packing lunches, etc. I'm not going to launch into my usual rant about people wondering out loud about "what about the kids?" or the wedding invitations being sent back to us rips in pieces by family members... i guess I should conveniently let all that water flow on down the river...or should i? Funny how all the gloom and doom talk has not even remotely become an issue. The ship set sail and there were people on the boat, and some people had to catch a plan to catch up...but at any rate.... i listened to a song yesterday and i thought I'd share part of those words with you...
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
-Rascal Flatts
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
-Rascal Flatts
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Until that day accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day - Don Vito Corleone
They are reporting now that there are more cell phones now than landlines... And I am wonderin when the masses are going to start figuring out that cell phones dont work everywhere, especially in buildings. I mean I have a cell phone and it works in my home. But jessica's doesnt work as well and not at all in some parts of the house. It just amazes me how people buy cell phones and think they will work everywhere. i guess the advertising the cell companies do has worked very well. But I wonder when people will figure out that cell phones are just glorified walkie talkies...
They are reporting now that there are more cell phones now than landlines... And I am wonderin when the masses are going to start figuring out that cell phones dont work everywhere, especially in buildings. I mean I have a cell phone and it works in my home. But jessica's doesnt work as well and not at all in some parts of the house. It just amazes me how people buy cell phones and think they will work everywhere. i guess the advertising the cell companies do has worked very well. But I wonder when people will figure out that cell phones are just glorified walkie talkies...
Monday, December 17, 2007
another year down...
yesterday was the twins 6th birthday. I am always happy but a tad saddened by their birthdays, because while we can see their gain in knowledge and maturity on a daily basis, every year is another notch closer to reality for them. But it happens to everyone so... well... they got Leapsters (one pink, one green) and Backyardigans and Island princess games and they have been playing them non stop. And the first thing they did when they got in the car this morning was start playing....
...kinda amused (and glad it aint happening here) by all this WINTERSTORM OF THE CENTURY madness I'm seeing on TV in regards to the Midwest and Northeast. I'm confused... doesnt it do this EVERY YEAR? I dont get it. Ice, Windstorms, blizzards...this been going on every December thru March for as long as I can remember....
...kinda amused (and glad it aint happening here) by all this WINTERSTORM OF THE CENTURY madness I'm seeing on TV in regards to the Midwest and Northeast. I'm confused... doesnt it do this EVERY YEAR? I dont get it. Ice, Windstorms, blizzards...this been going on every December thru March for as long as I can remember....
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Why music can be so cool....
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
I am always amazed when music is used in other places other than where it was originally intended, and you hear it so much, but most people dont listen to what is being actually said when there are words with the music, like in the song above. You hear this song all the time on TV in commercials, but I wonder how many people tie in the words that are being said with the music they are hearing.... When I was standing at the initiation of an Honorary the other day in the Frat, I was struck by how much band members who are not members would be like "Ohhhh...now i get it!" if they knew the true meaning of the letters Kappa Kappa Psi and their significance.... always brings a chuckle when I see a new initiate and the look of understanding when that is revealed to them....
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
I am always amazed when music is used in other places other than where it was originally intended, and you hear it so much, but most people dont listen to what is being actually said when there are words with the music, like in the song above. You hear this song all the time on TV in commercials, but I wonder how many people tie in the words that are being said with the music they are hearing.... When I was standing at the initiation of an Honorary the other day in the Frat, I was struck by how much band members who are not members would be like "Ohhhh...now i get it!" if they knew the true meaning of the letters Kappa Kappa Psi and their significance.... always brings a chuckle when I see a new initiate and the look of understanding when that is revealed to them....
Sunday, December 09, 2007
what goes around....
children are a blessing, not a curse. And I certainly hope that everyone who reads this remembers this always. I see my kids as a blessing, just as my parents see me and jessica's parents see her. And I will always try to do whatever I can to see them be happy, even if it means that my children dont under stand my motives. Because...one day...when its all said and done, if a jetski or 4 wheeler helps create memories and moments, that will be worth it. Because at the end of the day, it will be those "moments" i will remember. Not how much something costs....
Long ago it must be, I have a photograph
Preserve your memories, theyre all thats left you -- Simon and Garfunkel
Long ago it must be, I have a photograph
Preserve your memories, theyre all thats left you -- Simon and Garfunkel
How 'Bout Them Cowboys!!!
ah yes...the team of my childhood (notice a theme here?) is rolling. The Cowboys win again, and the Panthers...well...sigh...I am not a big fan of firing coaches, etc. but...sure does look like the Panthers have quit on their coach.
I think I have the reason why I am not fond of Tom Brady...he looks like one of those smug frat boys with hair that hasnt been cut since he left home (and mama) back in August wearing just the right clothes with just the right hat with a kinda condescending arrogance when looking at the camera
took out Xmas photo for our greeting cards out back yesterday. While this isnt the pic we're using, I thought I'd throw it up anyway. It was such a nice weekend...gotta love 75 degrees in December in ole South Carolina...
Friday, December 07, 2007
Watching The Polar Express tonight... seems as though this is going to the the Charlie Brown Christmas for the twins... this is about the 20th time i"ve seen this movie. What I am seeing more and more is the subtle hints and references that are clearly aimed at "adults" within this movie...
...I was in Mast General store a while ago. Amazing to note that it seems black people dont shop at Mast General store. Except me, perhaps... and it was kinda disturbing to notice the obvious eyes of the sales people watching me as i was scoping out the goods. I guess they figured since I was wearing one of their lambskin lined hats, i must be back to snag something else...
...so Bowden worked Clemson over for more money. I say good for him. You go, boy (heh...)get all the money you can while you can, dude...because unless he wins a National Championship EVERY year, eventually that segment of "fans" are going to run him out of town. I say cash in now and bank that money and keep the movers number on the speeddial. Because the day will come...eventually. And I am all for Tommy Bowden. But some fans are never going to be happy and take Clemson football WAYYYYY too seriously.
...and it is evident to me that Ian has this movie memorized....
...I was in Mast General store a while ago. Amazing to note that it seems black people dont shop at Mast General store. Except me, perhaps... and it was kinda disturbing to notice the obvious eyes of the sales people watching me as i was scoping out the goods. I guess they figured since I was wearing one of their lambskin lined hats, i must be back to snag something else...
...so Bowden worked Clemson over for more money. I say good for him. You go, boy (heh...)get all the money you can while you can, dude...because unless he wins a National Championship EVERY year, eventually that segment of "fans" are going to run him out of town. I say cash in now and bank that money and keep the movers number on the speeddial. Because the day will come...eventually. And I am all for Tommy Bowden. But some fans are never going to be happy and take Clemson football WAYYYYY too seriously.
...and it is evident to me that Ian has this movie memorized....
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