Sunday, December 09, 2007

what goes around....

children are a blessing, not a curse. And I certainly hope that everyone who reads this remembers this always. I see my kids as a blessing, just as my parents see me and jessica's parents see her. And I will always try to do whatever I can to see them be happy, even if it means that my children dont under stand my motives. day...when its all said and done, if a jetski or 4 wheeler helps create memories and moments, that will be worth it. Because at the end of the day, it will be those "moments" i will remember. Not how much something costs....

Long ago it must be, I have a photograph
Preserve your memories, theyre all thats left you -- Simon and Garfunkel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said. And, you you know, what's done is done.. accept it, enjoy the memories.. I could say more..... but, maybe I need to keep my mouth shut ;)