Friday, December 07, 2007


Watching The Polar Express tonight... seems as though this is going to the the Charlie Brown Christmas for the twins... this is about the 20th time i"ve seen this movie. What I am seeing more and more is the subtle hints and references that are clearly aimed at "adults" within this movie...

...I was in Mast General store a while ago. Amazing to note that it seems black people dont shop at Mast General store. Except me, perhaps... and it was kinda disturbing to notice the obvious eyes of the sales people watching me as i was scoping out the goods. I guess they figured since I was wearing one of their lambskin lined hats, i must be back to snag something else... Bowden worked Clemson over for more money. I say good for him. You go, boy (heh...)get all the money you can while you can, dude...because unless he wins a National Championship EVERY year, eventually that segment of "fans" are going to run him out of town. I say cash in now and bank that money and keep the movers number on the speeddial. Because the day will come...eventually. And I am all for Tommy Bowden. But some fans are never going to be happy and take Clemson football WAYYYYY too seriously.

...and it is evident to me that Ian has this movie memorized....

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