Monday, December 17, 2007

another year down...

yesterday was the twins 6th birthday. I am always happy but a tad saddened by their birthdays, because while we can see their gain in knowledge and maturity on a daily basis, every year is another notch closer to reality for them. But it happens to everyone so... well... they got Leapsters (one pink, one green) and Backyardigans and Island princess games and they have been playing them non stop. And the first thing they did when they got in the car this morning was start playing....

...kinda amused (and glad it aint happening here) by all this WINTERSTORM OF THE CENTURY madness I'm seeing on TV in regards to the Midwest and Northeast. I'm confused... doesnt it do this EVERY YEAR? I dont get it. Ice, Windstorms, blizzards...this been going on every December thru March for as long as I can remember....

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