Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Its time for a change

well...anyway, I stayed up last night because i was curious as to what was going to happen with the primary stuff. It was interesting, and annoying, to watch MSNBC (which I never watch) and see how they covered the evening. I was watching the realtime vote tallies online, and could see that Clinton was leading in Ohio and Texas, and the vote total was consistently growing in her favor while MSNBC kept saying it "was too close to call". Tim Russert does a very good job at trying to not be as obvious as to where his allegiances are, but Keith Olberman and Chris Mathews have huge Obama pom poms and are openly rooting for Obama. I really have a problem with that and I was wanting to see how Olberman particularly would react once the inevitable "Projected to win" statements would come. Olberman must have said "too close to call" a 100 times, even a minute before NBC called Ohio, then right before they called Texas too. And the look on his face was priceless... I just dont understand why these people keep saying that Clinton should simply get out of the race when the race is still this close. Arent these the same people yelling about disenfranchisement and all that stuff? yet when it could benefit who THEY want to win, suddenly "we are tired of this and its dragging on too long" blah, blah, blah...wait...didnt THEY start reporting on this way before it was necessary? perhaps if they hadnt starting peeing in their pants for Obama way before it was necessary, they wouldnt be openly having to figure out a way to continue to cheer without being blatant. Dont get me wrong here...I'm eyeing this cool Obama T on his website but I just dont feel right with getting forcefed who i should vote for.

On a side note...kinda funny how when you hit your freethrows, you start winning....


Andee said...

I also like Tim Russert, because he does do a good job of hiding who he is for. I like Olberman on his show, but you know he is liberal going into it - it's like watching Hannity on his.

I sent you an email about a week ago, did you get it?

Grandpa said...

you make a good point regarding Hannity. However, the statements that Olberman makes I feel are inappropriate. But..I guess its all in your point of view...

I did get your email. Look for a reply