Tuesday, March 18, 2008

was that a bullet i just sidestepped?

So Obama made his speech today... no doubt this "episode" has hurt him..polls show it (although i am leery of polls)...lets see how long the press hounds him about it, or if it goes away in a couple of days... my only thing is no matter how much a father figure, friend, whatever this minister is...Obamas prescence in that church gives a tacit approval of that minister's rhetoric. Now...does Obama believe that stuff?..i dont think so. Does Obama not want to blow up his friend?...yep... but... a sitting Senator who repeatedly sits in audience with someone who eschews that type of hatespeak presents a problem to me. But... i know that the church...Church..in the black community is an entirely different animal than most non blacks realize. There is a lot more to it than simply dropping in on Sunday. Its family. And everybody realizes that while you dont always like your family or what they say, if someone attacks them, you will probably defend them fiercely. Its easy for me to sit here and say that i would blow that minister away a long time ago. but...i'm not walkin in Obama's shoes. I say that this is an issue that I am satisfied with his answers...for now. I know a lot of people are not. And i can definitely see that side of things... and I am dissapointed that Obama did not distance himself a long time ago because he has obviously had aspirations for some time now and surely knows that this would come to light eventually...sigh... either the press/media is going to be satisfied, or they are not going to let go, and this might very well be Obama's jumping the shark

by the way, Jessica hadnt ever heard of The Dropkick Murphys either....

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