so... last soccer season, I-Man was on a team that ended up winning the championship, routing several teams in the process with a team that was ...LOADED.. at least for 8 year olds. This season, he has found

himself on a .. err... less experienced team. It suffered from a lack of scoring and while improving dramatically on the defensive end, they had all sorts of issues scoring and did not win a match in the Fall and had not won, despite playing better, this Spring. Saturday saw I-Man's team break thru with a win.. AT LAST. With a new tactic of basically pushing I-Man forward to cut off advances at midfield, and the addition of another offensive minded player, this match saw the team playing against another team similar in talent, and the constant offensive pressure produced a win 3-2 with I-Man scoring a goal as well....
Saturday then saw I-Man off to a birthday party at a Movie theater. A new twist, I thought, with the usual cake, and toys with a movie. I-Man saw Hop, which seems to be some sorta Easter movie of sorts with rabbits or something....
The Twins t

hen went off to Grandma's while Jessica and I met up with some friends at Ruth's Chris. It was by far.. not even close... the BEST STEAK I HAVE EVER HAD... I was impressed. Totally... the steak, the potatoes au gratin.. the Manhatten.. even the apple-tart-a-la-mode-something-or-another were outstanding. Best meal probably I have ever paid for. Did I mention the steak? not even close. The only thing I

might have called a dissapointment was the atmosphere. Not the company we had there with us, but the overall "ambiance" was lacking, if I have to be critical. Which I dont. But I will anyway. Cause I can. But it was fun chatting with friends. But isnt it interesting that even though you make all these plans to have an adult evening/dinner without the kids, all you end up talking about with your friends is your kids and their kids... funny how kids change everything. But I did get to take the classic "City Confidential", "48 Hours", "Dateline" photos...

Sunday saw me picking up the Ryles and I-Man, who had their usual great time with Grandma, Uncle Jerry ( and Bristol )... I still am always stunned at how quiet it is at her house, which is the same

house I grew up in/at. I have mentioned it before, but it is soooo quiet there. Peaceful.... but I always think it is benefitial that they get to spend a few hours with the Grandparents, even if it is just hanging out watching TV, etc... much to be learned I feel with these types of interactions

after getting back home, we had dinner out on the back deck, grilling porkchops and sweet potatos, with strawberries, bread and My 102.5 on the radio for dinner. The grill keeps catchin' fire and I suppose I should clean the thing out to keep this from happening again...
... closed the weekend out with a chapter meeting. Also used Ryles metal detector and I think I found the time capsule some Colony and Alpha Class members buried waaaayyyy back in the day. I was about to put in exact coordinates (seven steps from fence pole, in line with tower and and middle light pole)