Thursday, April 21, 2011

OK.. I think I am pretty much aligned with his guy... I have spent to months tring to find a suitable swimsuit for my daughter because... while I certainly understand her sense of independence and individuality, I also want her to understand that if she wants to be treated with respect, she must respect herself as well.... it kinda goes along with this gig with my son, who seems to think it is ok to walk around the house without his shirt on. While certainly within your home in private, things are different, I also subscribe that it is a show of disrespect to the women in the house to Linkbe walking around with no shirt on... I never have liked that with guys who do that, be them fat and hairy or greek god built.... I just think it is a show of narcissism to do this.

Oh.. wait, but back to the original link/post... I just think that my daughter should not dress like she is going "to the club" when she is 10 years old and is not about to go to the club anytime soon...

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