Monday, March 12, 2012

There was a time for a while that I thought Ryles might never ride a bike. She initially got a bike at the same time as I-Man (seen in this pic as a spec off in the distance, paying no regard to any oncoming traffic having long ago left us behind both physically and mentally) but never wanted to go beyond the training wheel stage... but then suddenly I thought about the fact that one day sooner than we all think she might be in a situation where she needed to at least know how to ride a bike (as we all know, once we learn, it is something that sticks with us)... well, once I was able to scrap together a few pennies from my bonus after the government had taken virtually all of it, I got her a larger size bike, slapped training wheels back on it and i am amazed that it really only took her a week to rid herself of the training wheels and now she is tooling around relatively good. She aint jumping over stuff like I-Man or tooling up steep hills, but at least she has that hurdle behind her now....

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