Sunday, July 02, 2006

Fireworks and baseball

Ok...went to the Greenville Drive game...OK, not sure when we will be going to another sportin event anytime soon. will probably be soon, but i need to have the area scouted first. I didnt notice the BIG playground located directly behind where we would be sitting when i got the tix...but...I-man spotted the playground from OUTSIDE the ballpark...across the entire field, outside the outfield wall as we were walkin to the park. So.... we enter, and the previously starving and hungry twins make a bee line to the playground, where they proceeded to play for the HOUR we were there before the game even started, then into the second inning, another 45 minutes. The only reason they stopped was that I pulled them away and went from the 3rd base side, to the OUTFIELD of the first base side. They then watched the railroad tracks for the next 7 innings while I kinda kept an eye on the game. But they were impressed by the fireworks, although I-man thought that they were loud, probably a good omen if I want to keep him away from the drumline or anything. but then again, I sat right in front of the drumline, so...well...whatever.... Watched fireworks then picked up some ice cream, then headin home.

Upcoming for the week... 4th fireworks, i guess, then the tail end of the week will find me in NY/NJ for a quick look/see with Kristen and Ole Man Brown, while Jessica and the twins are headin back to Florence and, this time, the twins will be seeing beachtime....

Not sure I'm happy with the pic below...a tad under exposed, i think...

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