Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"it is what it is"

I listen to podcast from slate on the way to work, and I listened to one recently that was all about the origin of this catch all phrase, etc. All their podcast are in print online, so check this one out HERE

Monday, February 25, 2008


Mucinex...dude...like..if you get congested and are coughin but just cant seem to hack out that crap sittin in your lungs...go get you some Mucinex. Give yourself 30 minutes, get some alone time and you will start to cough like no tomorrow...like NFL lineman coughs, full of that crap. goes on for about an hour...then you are all good for a while. just make sure you have a bottle or cup....

in addition

..oh man...is there anything better than a nice long warm shower after you have been sweating virtually 3 days straight...man, does that feel good or what?....


I have always tried to keep what some may call "an even keel" and that has become even more crucial once i was diagnosed as a level 2 diabetic. I have noticed that stress affects me profoundly and have made every attempt to keep it at a minimum. But this past weekend has been a test for me and i still havent recovered fully. Jessica had a procedure for her gall bladder, which was a follow up for the proceding week. just so happens that i came down with the flu the same day she was going to her tests, then she found out she would need to spend the night in the hospital. Now normally, if i get the flu, i take some nyquil, hit the bed and the next morning, I'm all good. But it seems that the combination of events dropped my blood sugar so low that i was getting these headaches and fever that wouldnt let me sleep. And this has been ongoing since Thursday. I beleive that i will be totally fine by the end of the day but it has alarmed me that i became sick and couldnt figure out how to stop the wild swings in my blood sugar. It then dawned on me that the swings were being caused by the medicine i take everyday for my diabetes. I didnt take it yesterday and I feel drastically better today. I think I will wait another day before going back on my meds.

But all this accentuated why i have been ridiculed in the past for sweating details so far in advance. the less I have to feel stressed about, the better. I used to print out itenarays for stuff like our little Nascar trips and stuff, but now I just keep it in my head and when things bog down, I offer the "this is what we need to do and when" suggestion. It all comes back to how I feel. If I start to feel stressed it affects my blood sugar, and it can spiral from there.

at any rate, I hope to be able to be back at 100 percent by the end of the day today. by the way, Jessica has come thru her procedures very well.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

oh..ok...so let me explain...

got a text yesterday telling me that I am obviously pulling for Clinton. Well, that is certainly not true, but my statements yesterday are a little out of frustration. I simply want to hear something of substance. I want to know how they are going to change the fact that it cost me $3.59/gallon last night to fill up the Jetta (while i certainly have 2 times to 3 times the range in my care and only put gas in my car about once a month)... i am sure that while it kills me to fill my car with gas, I cant imagine how it must feel for everyone else who goes to the pump more often. I want to know how they are going to change the fact that I get a bonus from work in a couple of days and 25% of it is going to the federal government...for what? so people can freeload healh care and a bunch of other services I never use. I understand that taxes are a necessary evil, but i sense in the Democrat camp a feeling that here is their chance to socialize America. meaning i will be paying the freight for other people, who use their money for their own gain.

Gotta hit some free throws, or else dont cry when you are in the NIT again....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I likened Obama's victories yesterday to basketball, in that he has the a 6 point lead with two minutes to go, and all he has to do is run his offense, make his free throws and dont make any silly, foolish errors. That being said, it will come down to if Clinton can muster a rally in Ohio and Texas. if not then see ya Clinton... i still am waiting on Obama to say some other words other than "Hope" and "Change" in his speeches. I still want to know what he is going to do, as in I would like to hear HIM say it, not what his fanboys regurgitate to me. (no, not you Brown). He has benefited from an obvious bias in the overall press, and the priviledged Hollywooders making videos and waxing poetic about him all over the place. "He's going to Change America!"...really...well, exactly HOW is he going to do that? Funny, when the Democrats swept into power a couple of years ago, THEY were going to change things...nothing has changed...still in the Middle East, Gas prices higher, economy weakening...oh wait...its all Bush's fault. OK...well, Bush aint exactly led us into the land of milk and honey so I'm curious to see what is going to be said if Obama is elected and 4 years from now we are STILL in the Middle East, Gas is @ 4.00 a gallon and my taxes are even higher. And while I understand having your wife making speeches for you, and dont have a problem with it, I do have a problem with Michelle Obama talking about how she is only now proud of America...i would think that having had the intelligence, fortitude and strength to graduate from Princeton and Harvard, make well for herself, and get to the point where she is, she would have plenty of things in America to be proud of. For it wasnt too long ago that a Black person, yet alone a Black Woman would have been working only as the maid of the First Lady, not a chance to be the First Lady. I think part of what i dont like about Obama (and there are a lot of things i DO like about him) and his campaign is a sense that "America sucks, and I am your champion to fix it" and that is part of what disturbs me about things...is America That bad? Goodness...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I-Man has started soccer practice again, so let the games begin.... and Nascar and baseball are back on the daily docket till November. Got tix for darlington and the All Star race already in hand and will be headin up to Bristol with Harwood in a month. If anyone wants to go with us, let us know... we go to the Saturday busch race (cheaper, and we can actually get seats) and we can see the Busch (Nationwide series) race as well as the nextel (Sprint) cup cars practice. Its really a short drive (yes, i know..i have mentioned it before) and we usually get there in a bout 1 1/2 hours...

...kinda wonderin how it is that Roger Clemons obviously lies and alot of people are so forgiving...how Pettite can admit he has used HGH and its all good...yet Marion Jones is demonized and forced to give back her medals and money, Barry Bonds is villified and charged. Why is it that these guys are getting the "poor them" treatment yet the others are getting the "kill them" treatment???...hmmmmm???

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

wasnt it just a couple of hours ago...

... Backyardigans was THE show thet twins had to watch everyday? Now it is Hanna Montana, That's so Raven and the The Stupid life of Zach and Cody...those 37 episodes of Backyardigans are sitting dormant now...so sad... I think I-Man is particualrly enamoured with Hanna Montana, but it is really weird how similar she looks to Miley Cyrus. They sound the same, act the same and you could almost think that they are the same person....its eerie.

Monday, February 11, 2008

why I have serious reservations about ole Huck

I stated that Huckabee is no friend to me or my children, and this is why...he has a known relationship with Americas's largest white supremacy group which is called the Council of Conservative Citizens, a relationship that he has only recently distanced himself from. i guess you cant get elected president if you are sending taped speeches to an organization that promotes covertly and overtly racists acts. The CoCC states in its "principles"(ha!!!) that "We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called "affirmative action" and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races." I dont think I can vote for a ticket that has a person who has had dalliances with a group that feels this way. It amuses me that the CoCC has rebuked Huckabee because he has moved away from them publicly as his bid for president has become more viable. But his message the other week about the Confederate Flag and its blatant appeal to the white evangelicals and racists killed him for me, once and for all. I would definitely not vote for McCain if he is apart of the ticket.

While Obama and Clinton, as well as McCain have their positions I disagree with, I also dont agree with everything Bill Clinton or George Bush spout either. But I wont deal with blatant racism and those types can just go somewhere and die away..please...just go away. the world will be much better when they all die off...


...no...not THAT Gimp...but talking about the Tiger Basketball team. I listened to the UNC broadcast of the game on XM and it was startling to listen to the Tar Heel broadcasters chuckling about "same ole Clemson" as they inched back into game watching Clemson miss free throws and seize up in the closing minutes of the ball game...shaking head....

...a quick jaunt into Atlanta last Friday looking for a hotel for the FRAT formal and i took the time to go to IKEA, as I had never gone before. Impressive. But I fear the chapter will have to do some serious fundraising as everywhere in the ATL is expensive for banquets... and I was reminded why I would love to live there yet couldnt stand to live there because while IKEA was cool as hell (well, hmmm...not sure that is correct), the traffic I dealt with on 85 just getting back to the Mall of Georgia was annoying..

...equally as annoying are the events leading to I-man picking his new NASCAR driver... watching practice, I-Man asks where his "Grween car J.J. Yeley" is and I explain to him that the Interstate Batteries #18 is no longer racing, and that it is now a cool M&M's Yellow #18 driven by Kyle Busch. and that he might have to select a new driver. I-MAn ponders for a sec and says " What number is the LOWES car?" ...silence...crickets chirping... (me)"ummm... that is #48 and it is driven by Jimmie Johnson. You sure you wouldnt like the Home Depot car better?" (fingers crossed)... I-Man says "noooo...Jimmie Johnson..yeah, yeah... in the blue Lowes car. THATS my new car!!!!!!"...me..thinking to myself..."DAMMIT!!!!!!!"...silence...crickets chirping... so now as i watch every NASCAR race and have to stomach the Four Eight all the time as my guy toils back in 8th place every week, I will have to suffer with I-Man standing there in his Jimmie Johnson t-shirt jumping up and down in glee...

...and I am STILL glad I live where i do....67 degrees in February suits me just fine, thank you...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Looks like...

...its Clinton by a neck coming around turn 3. No one has gone to the whip...yet. Clinton take the big states and is still leading nationally. Obama is getting the smaller states and the caucuses(which i find suspect for various reason). Had a long talk last night with my politico adviser Brown. I admitted that I am a slight McCain lean at the moment, but am really waiting to see who is going to push me over the edge in regards to the Democrat side. i will definitely NOT be a part of any ticket that has Huckabee, so his rise and possible bartering with McCain alarms me. Huckabee is no friend to me, or my children, based upon his public statements from the past.

...at any rate, I am starting to tire of all this, and I really only started taking notice a month ago. Maybe i will take a break from it until texas and Ohio finish this gig off.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Show me what you got..

..Ok, lets see if Obama is truly going to draw the votes when the curtains are closed on a national scale. If he comes out even or ahead, I think he can ride the wave to the nomination. if he is behind in majority vote and delegates, the cracks and whispers might begin. As far as the republican side goes, i expect McCain to start stretchin his lead today...


Monday, February 04, 2008


Brown sent me a text about last nights Super Bowl...mentioned something about VeVickers..tsk, tsk... this reminds me of my sophmore year in highschool...the womenz basketball team was 23-0 and had destroyed every opponent along the way. wasnt even close. I remember driving down with my friend in his old yellow Ford Pinto (actually one of the first times i can remember going anywhere without parent or school supervision, as I think back on it) to the old Carolina Colesium. And, yep....the team got waxed in the Championship game, a pattern I have seen happen several times since then.

..at any rate, I can feel good about the NFL again. And it was interesting to see Tom Brady interviewed after the game. As much as i cheer against him, I was impressed that he stood there and took questions and actually gave considerate, thoughful answers to every question. Same could NOT be said for the best coach/leader/genius (sic) of all time, Bill Belicheat, who simply gave a couple of one word grunts then slinked away. I guess when you dont have film of the defensive teams practices and signals, makes it a little more difficult to predict when the blitzes are coming, doesnt it?

OK...football over, Nascar up...Baseball lurking.. my 2 favorite seasons are about to restart and will last until october/november...

Friday, February 01, 2008

oh...and another thing....

...i think I like Hanna Montana more than I like Miley Cyrus. They are really similar people, almost like alter egos, but i give the edge to Hanna Montana. i know I-Man prefers her... he recently told jessica that one day, when he grows up, he was going to live with a "golden haired" woman. hmmmm????