Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I likened Obama's victories yesterday to basketball, in that he has the a 6 point lead with two minutes to go, and all he has to do is run his offense, make his free throws and dont make any silly, foolish errors. That being said, it will come down to if Clinton can muster a rally in Ohio and Texas. if not then see ya Clinton... i still am waiting on Obama to say some other words other than "Hope" and "Change" in his speeches. I still want to know what he is going to do, as in I would like to hear HIM say it, not what his fanboys regurgitate to me. (no, not you Brown). He has benefited from an obvious bias in the overall press, and the priviledged Hollywooders making videos and waxing poetic about him all over the place. "He's going to Change America!"...really...well, exactly HOW is he going to do that? Funny, when the Democrats swept into power a couple of years ago, THEY were going to change things...nothing has changed...still in the Middle East, Gas prices higher, economy weakening...oh wait...its all Bush's fault. OK...well, Bush aint exactly led us into the land of milk and honey so I'm curious to see what is going to be said if Obama is elected and 4 years from now we are STILL in the Middle East, Gas is @ 4.00 a gallon and my taxes are even higher. And while I understand having your wife making speeches for you, and dont have a problem with it, I do have a problem with Michelle Obama talking about how she is only now proud of America...i would think that having had the intelligence, fortitude and strength to graduate from Princeton and Harvard, make well for herself, and get to the point where she is, she would have plenty of things in America to be proud of. For it wasnt too long ago that a Black person, yet alone a Black Woman would have been working only as the maid of the First Lady, not a chance to be the First Lady. I think part of what i dont like about Obama (and there are a lot of things i DO like about him) and his campaign is a sense that "America sucks, and I am your champion to fix it" and that is part of what disturbs me about America That bad? Goodness...

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