Thursday, February 21, 2008 let me explain...

got a text yesterday telling me that I am obviously pulling for Clinton. Well, that is certainly not true, but my statements yesterday are a little out of frustration. I simply want to hear something of substance. I want to know how they are going to change the fact that it cost me $3.59/gallon last night to fill up the Jetta (while i certainly have 2 times to 3 times the range in my care and only put gas in my car about once a month)... i am sure that while it kills me to fill my car with gas, I cant imagine how it must feel for everyone else who goes to the pump more often. I want to know how they are going to change the fact that I get a bonus from work in a couple of days and 25% of it is going to the federal government...for what? so people can freeload healh care and a bunch of other services I never use. I understand that taxes are a necessary evil, but i sense in the Democrat camp a feeling that here is their chance to socialize America. meaning i will be paying the freight for other people, who use their money for their own gain.

Gotta hit some free throws, or else dont cry when you are in the NIT again....

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