Monday, February 11, 2008

why I have serious reservations about ole Huck

I stated that Huckabee is no friend to me or my children, and this is why...he has a known relationship with Americas's largest white supremacy group which is called the Council of Conservative Citizens, a relationship that he has only recently distanced himself from. i guess you cant get elected president if you are sending taped speeches to an organization that promotes covertly and overtly racists acts. The CoCC states in its "principles"(ha!!!) that "We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called "affirmative action" and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races." I dont think I can vote for a ticket that has a person who has had dalliances with a group that feels this way. It amuses me that the CoCC has rebuked Huckabee because he has moved away from them publicly as his bid for president has become more viable. But his message the other week about the Confederate Flag and its blatant appeal to the white evangelicals and racists killed him for me, once and for all. I would definitely not vote for McCain if he is apart of the ticket.

While Obama and Clinton, as well as McCain have their positions I disagree with, I also dont agree with everything Bill Clinton or George Bush spout either. But I wont deal with blatant racism and those types can just go somewhere and die away..please...just go away. the world will be much better when they all die off...

1 comment:

Andee said...

It's so funny that you bring this up. I had a conversation with someone this weekend (and I won't name who) who was very upset that their pastor's daughter had a child out of wedlock, and that the child was bi-racial. And I asked her what was more upsetting to her, the out of wedlock part or the bi-racial part. And we had a big conversation to where I told her (in no uncertain terms) that you will never, never convince me that it is a bad, horrible, evil (insert proper word here)thing that people of 2 different colors, whether it be white, black, red, yellow, etc having a baby together as being a wrong thing. Never.

I don't understand racism, and never have. I am tired of people saying that Obama doesn't have a chance because people won't vote for a black man. Or the world isn't ready for Hillary because the world is man-centrist (i.e. the Middle East). Tired of it. I just don't understand it.

Thanks for posting this, because it was something that I didn't know. Huckabee's only appeal for me was the Fair Tax, of which I really like. As you know, I tend to lean towards the left anyway, but I haven't decided yet who is my horse for this race.

Anyway, thanks again. :-)