Friday, September 26, 2008

just goes to say....

"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." - Will Rogers

last night was a perfect of example of why I just dont get that worked up over a Clemson loss...Southern Cal is a FAR, FAR...FAR superior team to Oregon State. And yet they showed up, seemed to think they would just automatically win, and by the time they realized they needed to step it up and play at a high level, it was too late. This is what happens when you have 18-22 year olds playing a game... the better talent, no matter how well coached or prepared, just doesnt believe what you are telling them. And they think they are invincible. And Oregon State was a perfect example of what happens when everyone is "All In" from the team to the cheerleaders to the band to the fans. I am wondering what will happen in Clemson if Maryland scores first? Will the fans sit down and start mumbling and cursing with their arms crossed? Or will EVERYONE pull together and try harder? I'm hoping that the Clemson Family figures it out...

And of course the Bail Out crap is all messed up, because the same stuff that caused the issue is popping up with the Politicians who are supposed to be fixing it...GREED. From both sides... I dont want to hear anything from OBAMA...does this guy ever do ANYTHING other than stand apart and yell about how he is going to Change things? As for MCCain, well...he seems to be pandering to some groups and i am not feeling the supposed rhetoric he is spewing either... But... I am still not understanding why i have to pay for the bad loans of others. We work hard every month to make sure Citimortgage gets their money and we certainly did not apply for a loan that we knew we would not be able to pay for. Same goes for Jessica's car. Yet there are people out their who feel i should pay for other peoples mortgages and car loans. How about the people who gave them the loans in the first place giving up ther money that they made off these bad loans? Whoa...wait...cant do that...lets get the GOVERNMENT to bail us out.... Well... obviously we are at a point where the governement needs to say/do/govern something in this mess...but why do i get the feeling that they will ultimatly run this in the ground like so many other things? As I have said before, I can be compassionate to people who areless fortunate than me, but I feel I should get to decide what to do with the money i earn, not other people. If I want to spread it around, I will decide who and where to spread it to. Why do people want to tell me what to do with what i have worked hard to earn? Can someone tell me?

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