Thursday, September 04, 2008

watchin the speech tonight....

and mcCain seems a little uneven, but a eloquent speaker he is not. It seems to be typical of all these speeches.... lots of flourish and generalities, and nothing of substance. i look forward to seeing them all speak specifics. I am not sure the person who wrote this for him was thinking of how Mccain speaks when he wrote it. And it is coming off as a stiff. But, well... i understand that about McCain. And it looks as though he ended on the stuff he was more familiar with, and felt more comfortable...

But I really was pissed off by the protestors who chose to interrupt his speech. It's one thing to disagree. its one thing to protest. But this is why I look at Democrats (the fring loons of the party) and it makes me not want to have ANYTHING to do with them. Surely the same thing could have been orchestrated at Obama's speech. But notice that he was allowed to speak. Why wasnt McCain given the same courtesy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Rome... uhhmmm... this isn't the promised post, is it??? Still holding my breath ;-)