Monday, September 29, 2008

ya know...I was going to respond to stuff about the football game, but I just am starting to not care right aint that important right now... I have to go get in my car and take a gamble that I can find a station within a 50 mile radius of my house that actually has diesel available to purchase. I have been putting it off because every gas station around here has a 1 to 2 hour wait. THIS is they type of stuff i feel Obama and McCain have NO CLUE about. Non...not at all...I'll say it again...when was the last time THEY had to pay for gas. instead, I am paying for their gas, and their campaigns while I am fixin to go get in my car and pray i get back to my house... of course you here very little mention of that on the networks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are paying for mccain's campaign b/c he took public financing, unless you donated to obama you're not paying for his campaign as he did not take public financing but you are tight about them not paying for gas but then again you can say that about every politician, every president, former president, supreme court judge and former congressman as they all have great pension plans paid for by taxpayers.
