Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I was reading last night to I-Man and Ryles and they had picked out some random Dr. Seuss story... now, these stories are boring as all get out and somewhat long. So I was going to cut a couple of corners by trying to maybe skip a page or two. As I have said in the past, it is weird how they can figure this out. I'm reading and CAREFULLY skip a page in my hand before i turn the page. I turn the page and keep on reading without skipping a beat. After about 4 seconds, I-Man reaches over and says "You skipped a page". I'm like.."Whaa??" "YOU..SKIPPED...A.... PAGE!!!!! Daddy!!!" me thinking..."Curses!!!" Now this is a story I cant remember having ever read to them, but these guys can somehow decypher out in this endless rhyme that I skipped over something. I'm kinda thinkin "WHY AM I READING THIS TO YOU IF YOU ALREADY KNOW THE STORY?"...but... i digress...

Companies are laying people off left and right... hope no one I know gets caught up in the economy thing...

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