Thursday, January 08, 2009

well lookee here...

checkin out the "National Championship" game on right now and who do I see as Referee, but good ole Ron Cherry. He of ACC fame. He has been a lead ref in the conference for several years now and it is actually a great accomplishment to get to Ref the "National Championship Game" he is famous (or infamous) for several calls he has made against Clemson over the years, although honest assesment of history shows he has made equally bad calls that have favored Clemson too. I will always remember him for the time I was standing with Dr. Hosler watching Tiger band do script Tigers and he comes walking over to us and says "I just absolutely LOVE Tiger Rag. I just love hearing that song!!!" I just remember casting a glance at Dr. Hosler when he said that while chuckling with the ref. We both commented afterward that I bet the other team would have just LOVED to hear him say that....

1 comment:

wirefall said...

Eat your heart out Lenny Wertz!