Monday, April 25, 2011

yesterday was Easter. First of all, I dont really like when Easter is this late. Seems like there are two or three Sundays of pseudo Easter Egg Hunts before Easter even gets here...but I also dont like when its early either. Easter should be the first or second weekend in April, right about the time of the first real warm open-your-windows-in-the-house-weekend. But i realize some monks somewhere came up with some algorithm based on the full moon and stuff so the date of Easter gets all jacked up occasionally...

.. Second, I grew up when Easter seemed to be a bigger deal than it is now... seems like there was this long buildup to it in Sunday School with the stories, lessons, etc. and that there was also Charlton Heston on TV at some time... not sure if this happens anymore. And while I certainly like the plastic eggs full of jelly beans, I am kinda limited in how much of that I can have. And it really isnt what I mentally think 0f Easter being about. And similar to Christmas, I know my kids are aware of the religious background of the day, but it is so pushed into the background, it hardly seems to register. Perhaps I need to make sure to project a stronger emphasis on the actual meaning of this, and ANY holidays and make sure that the secular side of the religious holidays, while fun, are not the sole reason of these days...

...because I kinda miss seeing all the Easter dresses and men in their new suits.. oh wait, that isnt the reason for Easter either... but I do kinda miss that too...

..maybe I should get up on Sundays and go to church? I know my son is quietly a religious person on some sorta level. The one book he has ALWAYS read in bed at night has been his "kids" bible, with illustrations. I have mentioned this before, I know. But I see a start contrast in him and his Sister in this regard. He is reading his Bible in bed... she is on her iPod Touch surfin the web... maybe I will get him down to Grandma's this summer for Sunday stuff... we shall see how it works out..

oh... and when we put out the pseudo Easter eggs, I put one on a paper plate and pushed it across some water. I though I-Man might jumpin after it...

1 comment:

Ashley said...

wish you guys could have come down for your Easter service at church! It was wonderful! I think the kids would have enjoyed learning about the true meaning.