Thursday, September 23, 2004

Kitty Cat

So Cat "Morning is Broken" Stevens tried to sneak back into the USA... but seems like we are saying..."You dont have to go home, but you need to get you ass out of here"...kinda funny, as he is acting all shocked. I know that if I changed my name to Allah Rahimizah Muhammed, I could expect a little bit of a problem getting back into the US should I be stupid enough to leave. Especially if I was famous, and was known to be involved (albeit indirectly) with known terrorist factions... had couple of good songs back in the day... got an album coming out with his greatest hits soon...How's that Muslim stuff working out for ya financially? heh, heh... I bet some Capitalist money in your pockets will help you out right now, huh?

anyway, thats kinda funny considering I'm sitting here in my office with a wool skull cap on (its frigid in my office and I dont feel like turning on my space heater) and have the Black Muslim look going....

"Good judgement comes from experience. Sometimes, experience comes from bad judgement."
- Jim Horning

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