Monday, August 27, 2007


ok... Ryles day and a half in the hospital cost... $14, is payin...but dude...thats like...out of control..... and she is still got to go back this friday.

Gameweek is here. As time accrues and the whole Clemson experience is farther in the past, the excitement of the first football game is getting less and less. Yep...its FSU and its huge, but...I got other stuff goin on now. Oh..I will watch and not bother to go, even though its only 20 minutes away and i can get a free ticket anytime. it just isnt that important anymore. That being said..i will be watchin and keepin track of it all...

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

Make sure to request an itimized bill...even if you weren't charged incorrectly, it is amazing to look at. For Katie's birth, I was charged for services/medicine after I was discharged from the hospital!