Sunday, August 12, 2007

RED...NECK!!! was pretty fun. I-Man, me and Uncle Wes went to a tractor pull in Saluda last night. Think Nascar, except more country, for the most part. It was americana at its best, with the local FFA kids being honored before it started and little Miss Saluda, teen Saluda and Miss Saluda driving tractors past the grandstands. Note: Little Miss Saluda seemed to be about 8 or 9 years old.


Sweet T said...

How did you end up in Saluda? :)
Did you go through my equally red-neck hometown of Batesburg-Leesville to get there?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a much fancier tractor pull than the ones we had when I was young. My cousin and uncle had a "souped up" riding lawn-mower that held its own in the competitions. Everybody just brought their own lawn chair and set it beside the track to watch. That is how they did it (and still do, I think) in Locust, NC anyway.

Grandpa said...

Got to Saluda going down 178 9or is it 378?) from lexington. there was a circle i drove around and a sign that mentioned the big B-L, but i didnt get there.... this place had high school stadium type stands along one side, and grass on the other. We sat on the grass in lawn chairs. there were about 5,000 people their, i would guess...It was an officially "sanctioned" tractor pull, with officials in nascar type garb, etc.