Tuesday, August 07, 2007

an interesting read....

Now...if Vick is guilty of actually treating animals like they said he did, he needs to be punished. And if he was the money behind the operation, then he needs to accept some sort of punishment, as well... but.... there is the spector of race in this story, very similar to the OJ thing and other cases. For a very interesting article, i seriously recommend the following article on ESPN.com. This article is spot on...please give it a read.. click here


now...I guessin that approximately one (1) person reading this blog is black, so everyone else is probably not black (heh)...s0 i dare you to read the entire article top to bottom...and...think...seriously think...while reading it... and then watch the coverage of this entire Vick issue with open eyes from now on. Not saying the man is innocent... but...he certainly has been already convicted, hasnt he? And when theu lay out the proof, I will be first to say "tsk, tsk" and say "should have spent that money a little more wisely"...

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