Wednesday, January 16, 2008

way too much to say

With these candidates here in South Carolina, and the constant barrage of media crap, I'm a little jaded right now about the political stuff. i think I'm more tired of the media (see NBC, MSNBC,FOXNEWS) trying to tell me who the favorite is, who MUST win or quit, who is baiting who and who is being racial or what.... I am starting to see this as the media trying to influence who THEY want to be running...I mean NBC people have admitted that they are pulling for Obama, and i cant watch any coverage now without seeing a blatant bias on their part against Clinton. What?, Clinton didnt give you guys cookies on the plane the other day? While I dont think that anyone, be it Olberman, Orielly, Russert or whoever doesnt or shouldnt have their favorite (everybody has only one vote) person, i do object to their using their pulpit to try to influence the election. After all, is it fair that the networks seem to obviously favor the candidates who have the most money, who can pay the most money to them for Ad space? While I might think Obama is the best choice, (and i have NOT made that decision yet)I certainly dont think it is in the best interest for NBC to be openly pulling for one candidate and everyday talk about the MUST WIN scenarios for all the other candidates...especially since the actual delegates are so close that they all have. February 5th will be a day that will start to weed out some people for real...THEN you can say that some candidates are in trouble. But watch, whoever loses in South Carolina will be declared dead by the media...

I think I am going to just give up pulling for teams until February, when NASCAR fires back up and my Braves start Spring Training...last sunday was a disaster in hopes of seeing any sort of happy ending to the NFL season, and suddenly the celtics are losing, and the Heat...well...they got old real fast. I'm almost afraid to pull out my Tar Heel Blue UNC tshirt for fear that they will lose 3 of 4 right afterward...

Santa upgraded the PC he got for the now is about 3 times more powerful than the PC i have. This means that Ryles and I-Man should have no problem playing on or now...or making sure Webkinz runs fluidly... meanwhile i have to start thinking about bandwidth...potentially their PC, my laptop, Jessica's laptop and the Xbox could all be connected at the same time, along with the desktop in the bedroom. while this would be rare, i am wonderin how this wil go over when Ryles suddenly can't get her Bratz girl shockwave movie to play right...

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