Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Meltdown alert!

Ok..today was a decent day...saw the Falcons practice, got some work done in the office, played a quick game of Unreal tourney.... ate dinner with the wife and kids...all going soooo s moothly. A normal day, just like so many others...blissful... serene.....happy....

hop online to check ESPN for any updates so I can make sure my fantasy baseball team lineup is ready.....

Associated Press

COLOGNE, Germany -- The U.S. men's Olympic team did more than merely lose. It was embarrassed and exposed in its most lopsided defeat since adding NBA players in 1992.

Losing an exhibition game for the first time when using NBA players, the Americans were completely outclassed by lightly regarded Italy, never even making it close in the fourth quarter of a 95-78 upset Tuesday.


this would be like the Clemson Football team getting together on Monday and catching a bus over to Seneca to play the highschool team there.... a friendly scrimmage against a bunch of slow white 15 year olds, most of which would be better off in the band. And Seneca winning the scrimmage 63-17...

I think I might need to start pondering getting to the church more...the end might be closer than I thought.

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