Monday, March 01, 2004

Does anyone have any questions for me?

...that is the question I posed to the MEP class yesterday during my intervieew with them. And initially no one seemed to have a question to ask. Now really, you mean you are looking to join a group, and the one person who knows the most about the organization in Clemson is sitting right in front of you, making himself available to you? nad you dont ask him anything more than what is your nickname? sigh... well, eventually, some of them asked a couple of relevant questions, and it did seem to go well. The class in its current configuration seems set to go. I place them 2 years down the road getting ready to host a convention (hopefully) and i think the potential is there that they could pull it off. For that is how I have to look at candidates a lot of times... how will this person be able to handle 750 people coming from all over the United States to a convention?... for it isnt the current leadership, or even the people elected this Spring who will bear rthe brunt of the future...its the current class, and those initiated last year who will be in charge by that time... Nascar race this past weekend. Man, that sucked. RAcin starts again this weekend and its time for the 29 to get to work. Also, my absolute favorite sport, baseball, is cranking up. Spring Training is going and the Braves first game is Thursday. I believe it is time to crank out the Braves jersey and hat in honor of another run at a Division title. the way, i havent seen any pictures, but I believe the Clemson baseball team changes their hats slightly, going to a more subtle "C" on their hat. More investigation, if not an absolute trip to a game, will confirm this.

the twins are advancing socially by leaps and bounds. I am amazed everyday how much they are picking up and how much they actually are speaking now. It is so fun to have these two young people around, even if they do wake up at 6am EVERY MORNING

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