Friday, May 28, 2004

Contracts for work, Tainted Gas?

Yesterday, i signed a new contract for work. nothing unusual about this as we have year to year "contracts" for our jobs that follow the fiscal year. I am always happy to get that little folder, for it means that come June 30th, I still have a job. But this time, their was a twist. At the bottom, in BOLD and UNDERLINED, it says... "THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT. YOUR EMPLOYMENT WITH FURMAN UNIVERSITY IS A VOLUNTARY ONE AND IS SUBJECT TO TERMINTAION BY YOU OR FURMAN AT WILL." Now at first, i was thinking..." I about to get axed?" I then read the next page addendum and it talks about how South carolina has been an "employment at will" state for many years, meaning that people working for an institution/company, it is considered voluntary and either the employee or the employer can end the employment at anytime. And our Governor signed some sort of bill reaffirming this recently. It says that this disclaimer must be on slary letters and policies Manuals for employees. The Furman Lawyers are covering their asses, I guess. And EVERYONE has to sign it here at Furman...all staff members, including VPs. The only people not signing are tenured faculty. So I felt better, thinking that everything was alright. But it still made the day a little darker...

And now Shell is closing down gas stations because their gas has too much sulfur right now that can damage vehicle fuel gauges and make an empty tank appear full. Considering my gas card is Shell, i am annoyed...however, i do drive a Diesel (45 city, 60 highway) so I think Im fine... I think. We'll see...if i drive 600 miles and my gas gauge is saying that I still have 3/4ths tank, I will know something's up.

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