Sunday, June 20, 2004

Gone for a couple of days

Just got back from a jaunt to the woods, etc. It was alot of fun and a break from the kids for a couple of days.


Even if man could understand women he still wouldn't believe it.
- AW Brown

That isnt Erik Brown quoted above, but it might as well be him. Three weeks will mark a drive to New Jersey to see Kristen, and a swing into Brooklyn to see Brown. I look forward to seeing Kristen in her "with child" state. That should be...funny. Depending upon my money situation, i will either try to do the drive up in one day...or leave Wednesday night and drive to somewhere like Salisbury, then drive the rest of the way to Somerville, NJ the nextday. Then I might try to hit up the elusive Mr JDWYATT on the way back on Sunday, and drop by and see him, then come the rest of the way on Monday morn. but JDWYATT has got to come out of hiding first...

I was going to Audioblog this weekend, but I just never got around to it. However, I will post a few pics tomorrow, with a short little blurb for each one. i think i am going to just a couple, so dont get all excited about some huge slide show...

i just wanted to do quick update to let you know thatwe are still alive.

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