Wednesday, June 16, 2004

This is what i do

A few weeks ago, while I was over in Mcalister Auditorium, I suggested to the stage manager that she should think about getting their own LCD projector, instead of having to rely on reserving one from my office everytime, and hoping I have a good one available. So yesterday, they call me in a panic... they have money, and its the end of the fiscal year (always xmas time for departments) and they want to order a projector. Well, well, well, I say... time to pay the piper, huh? I ask them..."how much you got to spend?"... you can feel the sweat building up on the other end of the phone..."well, we're thinking about something in the $5,000 area"... I tell them that I would see if I could pull some strings and hopefully find one for that price. I hang up...hop on the phone to one of my vendors and ask him for a 3000 lumen portable LCd projector, and what he can do for me... $3500.00 for a 3000 lumen projector that will suit their needs nicely is what he quotes me. I say, pack it up and send it to me...ASAP! No problem... I get in a RQ number and thats settled... I then call back the stage manager and Im all like, "well, I called round and searched for a while, and I was able to haggle what you need for 3500...will that be alright?" Of course, much glee and joy from he Mcalister people...

This is me, and this is what i do.

Foolishness always results when the tongue outraces the brain.
- Unknown

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